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whole30 supercharged...kinda


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This pain brings such an awesome feeling of work done along. Are you taking this class once a week?



Yup once per week until mid-August, but I have access to "open gym" hours too, so I might go practice on another day. So much fun.

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Checking in again, still feeling really good (and still a little sore from Thursday).



Thoughts for mid-month (June seems LONG!):


Clothes fit me so much better now! I'm finally small enough to buy petite sizes (they don't make many plus-petites) so the lengths of skirts and sleeves are finally right. Replaced black pencil skirt and black blazer 40% off. Also picked up retro shirtdress with fuller skirt (again black) for 60% off for fun. I am starting to get a sense of how I look, my body-type, my bone structure.


Again reminded that I shouldn't take children's comments about my appearance too seriously. Yesterday a child announced that my ear was "UGLY!" (while poking inside my ear with the ear-looking tool from the toy dr. kit). I happen to know that my ear is adorable and cute. Seriously. Or at least it looks as nice as any other ear on the planet. Kids are weird.


Kettlebell class was good, but hard with remaining tumbling soreness. Hopefully yoga this morning will work the rest of it out.


AND, feeling less rigid and more sane about food, ie: woke up early enough to have a real breakfast before KBs, so hash of sweet potatoes, gf ground beef, mushrooms, "power greens*", an egg. Came home after class and had more of the same, not hungry at lunch, but later had a banana and almond butter during kids' snack time, lamb roast, mashed cauliflower, ghee-sauteed mushrooms, cherry tomatoes for dinner, half a "gluten-free chocolate cookie/coconut milk ice cream cookie sandwich" after...new at the co-op, worth a try, I thought, though I just bought one and I probably won't get more for a long long while. I feel just fine about all of it.


*Power greens is a mix of baby kale, chard, spinach, etc. in varying concentrations--just bitter/darker but young leafy things. I am obsessed with this stuff.

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Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at the office just now, and I gotta say, going from black pencil skirt 5 sizes too big to black pencil skirt that fits=badonkadonk. annnnd former (former!) crush just followed me up the stairs...um...you're welcome? <insert embarrassed red-faced smiley here>

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Tumbling classes!   :o   Cool!


I loved reading about clothes fitting you well, and your purchases.  Dressing/clothes shopping is so much fun when you are happier with your body.  And feeling at ease about food - that's awesome.


Kids aren't just weird, they can be mean, malevolent little people sometimes!

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I always knew you are somewhat of a superhero. I'll tag along (they always have a clumsy friend, that's the tradition?) and learn from you. Love to read that all is good and FITS! Onward to the better and stronger superheroness (is there such a word? spelling check thinks there isn't). 

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I should be leaving to go to the gym (recovery protocol!), but I really want to finish my coffee. he he. so, a post:


I'm doing really well, I think. Tumbling skills are improving. Last night I went to "open gym" to practice, and spent and hour and a half just going over drills. Probably 30 handstands, lots of "not quite" cartwheels, unassisted (by a human) but assisted (by a giant foam octagonal tube thing) back handsprings, jumping, etc. The assistant there gave me a coupon for free admission to the next open gym because he "likes my attitude." good stuff.


Food is great. very routine, easy to be compliant, body is cooperating nicely. Everything is good but one thing: how the heck do I fuel these activities? I've added probably an hour of activity to lots of days from what I was doing before (longer bike rides, evening workouts in addition to my morning ones, etc). I can't really eat before working out (just an egg each morning), but I was pretty nauseous by the time I finished at 9:45pm despite adding a late-afternoon snack...scarfing down a burger w/avocado, asparagus & cherry tomatoes at 10pm doesn't seem quite right (although it was mighty tasty). Maybe I need to do some testing on what I CAN eat beforehand, and then have a smaller snack when I get done late? Anyone have good luck with particular foods? I am pretty sure eating sardines and sauerkraut before spending an hour upside down=bad idea.  :) but I guess I should try it and see...

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June 30th.


Spent an unreasonable amount of time this morning trying to figure out which gym I will be going to on Monday (do I go to the one with a scale I've used before, and do a weigh-in? or do I run over there this morning and go to the gym at my office tomorrow? can I eat breakfast now? or do I wait?). I HATE that I had to ruminate over this stupidity. I'll weigh tomorrow. If it's at my Dr.'s goal, I think I better knock it off for longer than a month. Maybe 3-months or so and do the BOD POD again? Max thinks I'm at a healthy weight (scale doesn't agree). I would like to let go of thinking about it.


GREAT strength workout when I finally did make it to the gym. I love feeling strong.


Awesome tasting lunch: slow cooker pork (cooked yesterday) heated up with it's own fat and a bunch of red cabbage. Tossed in scallions, cultured carrots, avocado cubes once it was cooked. Sprinkle of ume plum vinegar, sliced up a hard-boiled egg for garnish. Yeah, sounds weird but colorful and fresh and just what I needed.


Now to find someplace to hike. It's a beautiful sunny day.

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Listen to Max, but he was the one to say that there is no such thing as too healthy, so you jusy keep doing what brings you joy and the rest should follow ;) How are tumbling classes?

Purple + green in food is the best combo! I get happy by just looking at it. Sounds so yummy.

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hey NB! Tumbling is GOOD. It's a little upsetting to the routine (I'm still trying to figure out how to EAT to support this activity), but mostly it's good. I still can't do a cartwheel, but I can now do the first half of a cartwheel properly, followed by crashing down/falling dramatically at the end. every. single. time. It's strangly exhilarating. I'll get there eventually.

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July 1. gained a fraction of a pound. Is this terribly surprising? no, not really. I am not shocked that my body perceives throwing myself on the ground repeatedly, not eating a full dinner and going to bed late two nights per week as stress. I'm bruised and inflamed and slightly sunburnt. I'm tired and sore and a little hungry, and my relationship with gravity is unchanged since last month, but I'm stronger, and I'm glad that I am learning and growing and moving my body in new ways.


goals for this month: eat to support activity. feel good. get outside and move. rest as needed and without guilt. forget about *&!@! scale.

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So funny how my heart stops beating when I think of doing a cartwheel or other elements. I am silly scared even reading about it. I have no problem hanging upside down with only a piece of fabric tied around my ankle tho :D You've just started, so no 'still" here. I hope you figure out the eating soon, because dizzy+acro = nono! 


I believe that your scales will be ditched once you feel that you are where you want to be. Fortunately you have so many markets to make your chart happy. What will make you more happy - reaching chin up hero goal or a certain number?


Rest without guilt would be HUGE. I hope the report next month will indicate progress with this one.  

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ok, deep breath, time to set intention for July.


I spent the 4th with friends, sitting outside with shade and sun and breeze which was great. Food, however, was less than stellar: drank lots of watermelon coolers (watermelon, cucumber, lime juice, gin, ice, mint...--pretty weak but still) alternating with sparkling water and my homebrew kombucha. ate raw veggies and fruit salad and ribs from the smoker, but also several small peanut butter/rice crispy/chocolate squares (at least none of the cake or cupcakes or cookies). woke up with a stomach ache and bad calf cramps in the night, but otherwise unscathed. Seems like a fitting end to a couple of days of less than disciplined eating (pretty much compliant, but more fat and larger portions than I've been doing). enough now. no moving backwards. Today I'll shop and cook and plan and get back in gear to feel really good.


REMINDER: goals for this month:

1. eat to support activity (I'm going to test upping protein to .8g/lb body weight each day, which is about 3oz more protein than I've been eating).

2. feel good.

3. get outside and move.

4. rest as needed and without guilt.

5. forget about *&!@! scale.


EDIT to add: I tend to dismiss compliments and comments, but maybe if I record them they will become more real? -ran into a trainer I used to see every morning at my old gym location. She is convinced I am "leaning out again" and when told I had actually gained half a pound, explained that she thinks I have put on "A LOT" of muscle and lost fat. Maybe. And, at the end of the night last night, a friend, with whom I've NEVER discussed weight or fitness, really, or appearance or any of that, wispered in my ear how fantastic she thinks I look...I don't know. I feel better. I feel stronger but I'm a little terrified this is just temporary. I need to remember that I know what to do to feel good. I. can. do. this.

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I feel that this is the actual point of all this - knowing what to do. I giggled a bit about "just temporary". No one is stealing your power overnight. Only leaner, only stronger! Hope your tweaks will work. 


Maybe you should add the column to the chart? Compliments received? Hehe

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Oh wow, that drink sounds amazing!
Love your goals - does setting a protein intake goal mean one has to go all mfp? That would put me off....I was rec'd to aim for a certain amount by a p.t..
Love the compliments, add some of your own to that list too!

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Love your goals - does setting a protein intake goal mean one has to go all mfp? That would put me off....



Thanks Derval, and Dear God no! mfp makes me insane.


I just roughly took a typical day's meat/egg intake (I'm bizzarely consistent) and looked only at protein grams per oz, and figured how many more ounces I would need to add to get to .8g/lb using my own excel spreadsheet. I won't be tracking or weighing anything, just roughly aiming for an ounce or so more at each meal. I haven't replaced the battery on my kitchen scale since calorie counting days, and I don't plan to  :blink:  :o . I just know how many portions I get out of a 1 or 2lb package of meat from my butcher and that is good enough.

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paleo kitty just decided to curl up on my leg purring as I was going to get up, so I might as well stay here and post some random thoughts and keep her happy.


Good couple days, strength workout and a hike yesterday. nature walk (not long enough to be a hike, really) and outdoor agility workout today. Yes, I now keep a set of agility cones in my car "just in case." Picnicers in the park think I am insane, especially the elderly woman walking slowly along the top of the hill where i was doing my sprints. Each time I got close to the top she would hear me thundering up, breathing heavy and she would turn towards me, first startled, then somewhat confused when she realized I wasn't being chased. This happened at least three times.


Bought a cute flippy skirt, size "extra-small" (it was on a rack of mediums or I never would have tried it on). For the record, I am not an "extra-small" size, and this makes me a little worried when I'm finally at a healthy weight I will need to shop in the children's department.


Made lamb/lamb liver burgers and the rhubarb chutney from Gather (along with power greens!, wilted in the lamb juices :) ) and I gotta say the meat portions I'm having now seem huge. The chutney was nice, although luckily I didn't follow the recipe exactly (cut number of dates in half and left out the maple syrup). It was still very sweet to me. tasty, and a good match for the lamb, but SWEET. Maybe it's just me.  :rolleyes:

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Paleo kitty makes Mary rest, too funny!

I wish I haven't just polished my last portion of lamb away. I have nice rhubarb in the fridge, aaa. Ok, next week maybe. I want this book, thanks for reminder to order it. That mushroom recipe sounded awesome too,

Skirt! Skirt! Skirt! That's cool. Some "kids" now look older than me, so shopping at their department might be an option.

You are truly unstoppable. I am in constant awe.

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