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LadyM's seduction continues (sur son propre velo)


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I went ahead and signed up for WW. I'm curious to discover how it can help support my health and mindful eating practice. Their Simple Start program is compatible with W30, actually. It's much like the Simply Filling/no tracking program Derek mentioned. Of course I'll skip the crappy fat free dairy, whole grains, and beans, and stick to lean protein, veg, and healthy fats. Eating fats wily nily is out the window, but one could ostensibly use the weekly flex points on healthy fats. Not many would do so when the alternative is wine, chocolate or cheese, but I count myself above the fray at this point.

Basically, I see this experiment as an opportunity to be more mindful, cut out the unnecessary extras (goodbye bacon and raisins in my morning kale) and just tighten the reins a bit while eating fairly close to template. I want to see if I can do this with a spirit of calm. So far I'm not feeling all jagged up about it, and I actually enjoyed going to the meeting last night. This forum is great, but there's a little added something in being in a room full of people committed to making healthier choices for themselves. I'm in a very different place than most of them especially in terms of my understanding and commitment to real food and nutrition, but it still seems like a good thing. For now, anyway. At the very least, it will help me get through the holidays without too much damage.

Since I'm still committed to the nutrition as its outlined in ISWF, I'd like to keep hanging around here. I promise not to prosyletize or even mention WW much, because I know it goes against rules about weighing and tracking. I sincerely respect that. And I'm sincerely grateful for how far W30 has taken me. I don't see myself ever straying far from its tenets (aside from this hopefully temporary weighing and tracking diversion).

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I'm really interested to see how this new experiment unfolds.  I think that you thought it out and still decided to give it a try means that you will go through the experience mindfully.  I never did the meetings though, I always did online.  But my sister was also on WW online, so we had our own mini support group.


Keep us updated!

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Good morning, friends. Feel like I'm doing well with my food, and movement is back on track this week. Last week was full of late nights and back pain, so I opted for rest, chiropractic, and more rest instead of pushing it. This morning felt especially good back at the gym, and it's an important reminder that I seem to need over and over again: working out is as important to my mental health as it is to my physical health. I sink into a depression when I'm not working out, and I just can't afford that right now.


Food=medicine. Exercise=medicine. Period.


So far the only thing that has changed with my eating is I'm much more careful with fats and liberal with starchy veg. Feeling satisfied and happy eating loads of greens and winter squash and root veggies as well as adequate protein and fats. I'd say I'm still eating to template but on the high end of veggies and the low end of fats.


I've gained 15 pounds since my lowest recorded WW weight and I'm OK with it. Isn't that hilarious? W30 has made me physically healthier AND more sane. I mean, yes, I want to get back to that weight and then lose about seven more, ideally, but what's most important is that I grow more healthy and more sane in the process--a process I know will not look the way I expect it to look. So I'm letting go of expectations and grateful for the opportunity to continue putting supportive healthy practices in place for life and to learn about myself along the way.


This is my final week of teaching until January, and I'm getting serious about setting goals for the coming weeks. Daily writing, meditation, and movement are on the agenda, but I need to set some tangible outcomes. Taking control of the parts of my life I can actually control feels necessary. I am ready to make good things happen.


OK. Pep talk over. Here's to an excellent week!

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Snow days have coincided with some very hungry days. I'm mid-cycle and I've noticed that I tend to have hungry days around this time that aren't quite the same as PMS carbscarfbinge behavior. Yesterday I ate A LOT, and it was all whole, fresh, compliant food. But I'm talking entire bunches of collard greens, a pot of homemade veggie soup with chicken breast and bone broth, an entire roasted squash. I figure throwing hyper nutrient-dense foods at this kind of eating impulse is probably the best possible thing. 


It just dawned on me today that on Monday I fed the sugar dragon by eating an RXBar in response to an afternoon sweets craving. I wonder if there's a correlation between Tuesday's ravenous streak and that. Today I'm back to normal, thankfully. And I'm even cleaning the house and getting work done after being a slug yesterday. Just have to ride these moods and sensations and trust that they will always change, no?


Just like the weather, please God! Snow, snow, and more snow! So glad I stocked up on water, veggies, kleenex and TP before the storm hit. And it should all be melted by the weekend. And so it goes. . . . 

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I am not envying you your snow!  Upstate NY got slammed too.  We just got the brutal cold.  I read a report that said all 50 states were at freezing or below freezing temps.  I think they may have miscalculated on the 50 - I can't imagine that HI was at freezing temps...


Do you think the ravenous days may have anything to do with your doing WW?  You are probably taking in less food than you have been used to...  Although you did say that mid-cycle hunger is normal for you.


Hope you dig out soon!

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It did occur to me that my reduction of fat may be contributing to the hunger; but the hunger is not constant, so I'll just see how it goes. I feel enormous and like I'm taking in a ton of food right now, so it's hard to imagine that I'm eating LESS. I honestly don't think that's the case in terms of volume, anyway. But less fat, yes. And less fat means lower satiety more than likely. Hmmmm. Always tweaking. . . . 


I'm also noticing my impatience creeping back. Like I couldn't possibly lose enough weight fast enough. "Whoa, Nelly!" I need to tell myself.


I got a free ActiveLink fitness tool and I just completed the week-long trial to determine my baseline movement. It designated me a "sometime athlete" and has shown me that I do a hell of a lot of sitting the majority of the time--in other words, when I'm not working out I'm hardly moving at all. Not exactly news, but it's something I'm going to begin changing. Tough to do during winter, but trips to the treadmill at work are definitely in order. 

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Patience - always a work in progress for me.  Results NOW!   :)


I don't need anything to tell me that my default is sedentary - almost all my favorite activities are sitting oriented.  I need to get up and move more often at work, and not just my frequent trips to the bathroom.

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I'm with you, Sara--definitely didn't need the ActiveLink to tell me I'm sedentary, but now it's a motivator. I'll take all the motivation I can get. . . . 


Made it to bootcamp and cardio push this morning and will go again tomorrow. Looking forward to a hair appointment tonight, followed by a date. Tomorrow I have a massage, shopping, coffee with a long lost friend, and the rest of the weekend to relax. Shifting into break mode.


Oh, and Monday is my birthday, so I'll be celebrating me. I always need to be careful, though, with my birthday and Thanksgiving on the same week. Eating and drinking can easily get out of control if I don't watch it. It's kind of sad that this is how I anticipate holidays, no? I know I'm not alone in this, but man would I like to get to a place where I don't have anxiety about festive times. Oh, who am I kidding? Everyone's stress and anxiety and depression skyrocket around the holidays--exacerbated by a false belief that we should all be happy.


How's that for a very different kind of pep talk? Ha!


Anyway, my plan is to keep moving, keep going to the gym, keep walking; enjoy what I choose to eat and drink and keep it in check; and have plenty of filling, healthy, satisfying foods around the house. I'm thinking maybe sushi for my birthday with one cocktail, and T-day should be a snap with turkey breast, sweet pots, brussels sprouts and a single pumpkin dessert (maybe). I'm thinking about making Michele Tam's Paleo Pumpkin, Coconut, Maple custard cups. They look divine, but I don't want leftovers, so I might skip them or dramatically reduce the recipe. We'll see.

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Impatience is awful - well, not AWFUL, but certainly distracting from being in the here and now.  As I read what you wrote, I found myself realizing that's what I don't miss about the weight loss process and what it is that I experience whenever I step on that scale.  It's funny how time can seem so long in the present moment and yet so short when you look back and say, "Wow - I only focused on losing weight for two months."  Also, that sedentary thing - boy, that's me in the mornings!  And afternoons!  :) And evenings!  I've gotten really bad.


Happy pre-birthday weekend!

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Come 3:50 p.m. today, I will have been breathing on this planet for 38 years. Not an insignificant achievement. Yet it feels like a very tame birthday and I'm OK with that. I splurged on cashmere and boots as a birthday present, but I came up with a much better gift to myself: a daily meditation practice for the year. I started it yesterday and wow. Meditation first thing in the morning is really the best way for me to start the day and transform the hours to follow. When I think of it as a gift to myself rather than one more thing I need to do, I want to do it so much more. 


Another gift I'm giving myself is time. In light of the impatience discussion, I'm deliberately giving myself two years to reshape my body. I had to think a little on how I wanted to word that. I mean, I've been working at losing weight and getting healthier for nearly as long as I can remember, but this feels different. I have, actually, lost weight and kept it off for many years with a little fluctuation, and I need to give myself credit for that. Getting to a place where I feel comfortable in my skin and staying there is the next step. Part of it is weight loss, shrinkage, and building muscle, and another part is self acceptance. Right now I feel like I'm on my way. And honestly, I'm about 5-10 pounds away from where I feel pretty confident and my clothes all fit--20 or so away from where I'd like to get and stay. I think these are reasonable goals.


Here's what I know:


1. I need to exercise most days, being careful to avoid injury.

2. Mostly paleo, mostly template, high nutrient, no snacking, minimal alcohol/sugars is a way of eating that works for me and that I can live with long term. One splurge night a week seems OK when needed, and I don't feel like I "need" or "deserve" it unless there are social occasions in which I want to loosen the reins. This feels like a good place for me.


Some ugly off roading Friday night left me feeling pretty punk Saturday morning. Good date with new guy and we started with drinks but never got around to dinner. Had some crappy snacks along the way that I mostly avoided and then paid for later. Would have paid for eating lots of junk, and paid for not eating enough period. Oh well. It was still a good time, and we plan to go out again. I will do better next time!


I hope everyone has a gratitude-filled Thanksgiving week! Enjoy!

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Happy Birthday, M!!!  Your gifts to yourself are great.  Cashmere and boots and the time to heal and get to where you want without being impatient.  And meditation.  All good ideas.  You have been a great friend and inspiration and motivator on these boards over the past year and a half.  So thank you and give yourself a fabulous birthday!  You deserve it.

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Thank you for all the loving messages and birthday wishes, friends! It was a good day. I enjoyed myself, I indulged, and then I enjoyed myself and indulged some more the rest of the week.




And here's the good part:


I did not beat myself up about it or feel guilty.




In between indulgences I got right back to template. Just the way I like. With lots of leafy greens.


I think I may be finding a way to live both socially and healthily. Balance. Ever the aim. 


I'm declaring December my month. Once I get grades in and letters of recommendation written, the month is all mine. That means writing and sending work out. It means exercise and self care. It means going on dates with a spirit of openness and joy. It means reading things that I love because I want to. It means meditating and yoga and practicing mindfulness as often as is possible. It means rest and relaxation.


Good stuff, eh?


I'm thinking about trying out a "hot yoga" studio this month. They have a two-weeks for $20 special for newbies, and I think it might be good for me to try it. I have very low expectations, though, because it seems to be one of those yoga as exercise for the masses kind of outfits rather than the kind of real yoga I've been doing for decades. But I could use some warmth and ramping up the movement for a little while. I think I'm healthy enough and mindful enough to give it a try without blowing out my adrenals.


I have dropped a little weight. Enough so that a guy I've been seeing for about a month noticed. It feels good and like something dark and ominous is lifting--not the weight, exactly, though it's symbolic . . . but perhaps my own limiting belief that I had no control, that despite all my best efforts I was living at the will of some entity or energy whose intentions didn't align with my own. Not happy stuff.


But now it's starting to seem possible that it may have been as simple as I was eating too much fat for my body. We've all got to tweak the template to our unique bodies, no?


I am also starting to really believe that stress is a significant culprit and that the stress from being antisocial because of my diet fears and worries has had a negative impact. Again, seeking balance where this is concerned, and finding that it's good to loosen the reins to some extent on a semi-regular basis and get right back to the straight and narrow in between off roads.


I seem to be having some luck with this. No terrible consequences or extended periods of going off the rails so far. 


So, still taking it day by day. But the fact that today I can love myself after a week of celebrating with food and drink (and AF is on the way) is a major victory. 

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I'm with Jen, to a fabulous month dedicated to you!


It sounds like you are in such a fantastic place right now, I hope that continues for you.


I was also a little all over the place with food, and I'm also okay with it.  It feels so much better than some of the places I have been with food...

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