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June 1st Support Thread


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Day 9, ya'll.

Let's do this!


I'm feeling much better today after reallllly wanting to crawl under my desk or into a big hole last Friday.  I barely survived work and promptly crawled into bed as soon as I got home.

The weekend was better.  DH and I found a local restaurant that serves 100% organic grassfed beef burgers on lettuce with hand cut sweet potato fries cooked in compliant tallow, so that was a welcome treat and break from cooking.  I tried my go at NomNomPaleo's crackling chicken Saturday night and that was also a hit.


Today I have homemade beef stew for breakfast and a great salad with grilled chicken for lunch.  It's going to be a nice day.

After seeing the Whole30 timeline, I was afraid my pants really would be super tight yesterday - and was relieved when they weren't.

Today, however.... well, let's just say I'm glad I was warned.


Glad you're feeling less tired! I'm a day behind you so I hope tomorrow I have more energy :-)


I'm having a hard day today, (Day 8 for me) because I have no energy, my clothes are tight, I'm tired of cooking, and I'm not seeing any benefits. In addition, my normally clear skin is all broken out!


When are the benefits supposed to kick in??

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Day 8 was success though timing off with meals. Its summer and we have guests over for bbqs as much as possible so I'd rather be off and compliant than non-compliant.


The one thing I can REALLY REALLY suggest to everyone struggling with meals is MAKE FOOD IN BIG BATCHES! Sorry but you think you'll be sick of this or that but in the end it's veggies, a protein or two, fats and you can dress it up with compliant sauces, seasoning or whatever. Get creative with the condiments. I think some people hyper focus on "the" meal they are going to make and don't think ahead the next meal or making extra for a couple of more.


I know its easy for me to say since I don't mind eating similar items multiple times a week but in the end when I come home from work starving--it's better to reach in the fridge for food that is whole30 yummy and READY than to stare at pantry and be tempted to eat the quick, easy and not so healthy items.


I do not mean to sound preachy at all. Honest. Please know it's been from personal experience that not having food premade is what lead me astray (and bomb my first attempt two weeks ago) in binging in the past on the wrong foods. I'd rather overeat the veggies or good fats than go for the things I may enjoy in the moment but regret for a long time both physically and mentally.


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I'm having a hard day today, (Day 8 for me) because I have no energy, my clothes are tight, I'm tired of cooking, and I'm not seeing any benefits. In addition, my normally clear skin is all broken out!


When are the benefits supposed to kick in??


A gentle reminder that it's a 30 day program. http://whole30.com/2014/01/whole30-tough-love/


Some people see positive outcomes sooner, some later, some beyond 30 days.


Days 9/10 are popular days to quit, so I encourage you to hang in there!

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A gentle reminder that it's a 30 day program. http://whole30.com/2014/01/whole30-tough-love/


Some people see positive outcomes sooner, some later, some beyond 30 days.


Days 9/10 are popular days to quit, so I encourage you to hang in there!


I'm pushing myself to day 15, because after that, it's all downhill! And not in a bad way, either. :) If I can make it to day 15, then I can make it to day 30.

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A gentle reminder that it's a 30 day program. http://whole30.com/2014/01/whole30-tough-love/


Some people see positive outcomes sooner, some later, some beyond 30 days.


Days 9/10 are popular days to quit, so I encourage you to hang in there!


Thank you. 


I'm not going to quit, I was just discouraged a bit by the whole Daily email that seemed to imply that some magic is supposed to start kicking in...

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Day 8 was success though timing off with meals. Its summer and we have guests over for bbqs as much as possible so I'd rather be off and compliant than non-compliant.


The one thing I can REALLY REALLY suggest to everyone struggling with meals is MAKE FOOD IN BIG BATCHES! Sorry but you think you'll be sick of this or that but in the end it's veggies, a protein or two, fats and you can dress it up with compliant sauces, seasoning or whatever. Get creative with the condiments. I think some people hyper focus on "the" meal they are going to make and don't think ahead the next meal or making extra for a couple of more.


I know its easy for me to say since I don't mind eating similar items multiple times a week but in the end when I come home from work starving--it's better to reach in the fridge for food that is whole30 yummy and READY than to stare at pantry and be tempted to eat the quick, easy and not so healthy items.


I do not mean to sound preachy at all. Honest. Please know it's been from personal experience that not having food premade is what lead me astray (and bomb my first attempt two weeks ago) in binging in the past on the wrong foods. I'd rather overeat the veggies or good fats than go for the things I may enjoy in the moment but regret for a long time both physically and mentally.

I really took this to heart this weekend. I have so much food prepared and frozen after this weekend it'll keep me going for 2 weeks!  Except for fresh veggies of course :-) But I have enough of those for this week at least. See my halo? ;)

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Glad you're feeling less tired! I'm a day behind you so I hope tomorrow I have more energy :-)


I'm having a hard day today, (Day 8 for me) because I have no energy, my clothes are tight, I'm tired of cooking, and I'm not seeing any benefits. In addition, my normally clear skin is all broken out!


When are the benefits supposed to kick in??

Hang in there!

According to the timeline, it may be another week til we really start feeling the *magic* so to speak.

Keep your chin up!


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I finally had a dream about eating off-plan food!! I was so upset about it in my dream, and it was such a relief to wake up and realise it wasn't real - it's doubled my motivation to keep going! :)


I did too! I dreamt last night that I got stoned (wat. Haven't done THAT since college, good lord) and ate a big glob of melted cheese. At the time I was like, "no no, it's cool," but then later in the dream I freaked out about having to start over.


I was very pleased to wake up knowing I did not "accidentally" eat cheese.

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Sorry for being so quiet, girls and guys! Not much time online lately...


I'm so struggling with staying within the rules or rather the meal template  these days. Summer finally arrived here and it's killer hot. All I want to eat (if at all) is some fresh, juicy watermelon and iced coffee... :/

Anybody else suffering from terrible summer-gaga? Maybe some suggestions for "refreshing" Whole30 meals?

Hmmm, maybe smoked fish on a huge salad could be a compromise. Anything cold/that doesn't have to be cooked. I just feel repelled from eating anything fried and I'm not craving meat at all when it's that hot. Aaach, I'm a true child of winter, I hate the heat.

Gazpacho, chicken salad, guacamole with cold chicken, prosciutto, cold hb eggs, lemon water, iced tea, sweet potato salad, slaw, etc...

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This weekend I was reminded of how proud I was of myself during my first whole 30 last July, during which time I spent two weeks at the beach with family (which means boardwalk ice cream, pizza, cookies, fries etc...). Last year and this past weekend I made my own food to bring with me on the car ride, made breakfast in the kitchenette at the hotel, got a compliant salad with chicken from a local restaurant to take on the beach, etc. it is hard when you're traveling, but definitely doable!!

Congrats everyone on over a week!

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Congratulations to everyone who made it through today!


I thought I was tired over the weekend, but today I was completely exhausted. Hubby too. We both nearly crashed after lunch. It doesn't help that our son didn't sleep through the night last night...


I was definitely craving something sweet tonight, but I resisted. The best thing I did to prepare for the whole 30 was to box up everything non-compliant in my pantry and baking cabinet so I couldn't cheat if I wanted to. I even resisted the grapes and applesauce in my fridge.


We went to Chipotle tonight for carnitas guacamole bowls :-) It was very nice not to have to cook. 

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Tonight I made my family tacos. I set aside meat for me and seasoned it separately. Then I had "tacos" using romaine hearts instead of shells. Added pico de gallo and avocados and it was so good! Easy, good, and no cooking a 2nd meal. :)

Day 9 done!

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Well, with day 9 under my belt, I'm feeling good. But if anything motivates me to give up, I think it would be my grocery bills! Holy moly. Went to stock up today since my initial haul from May 31 ran out. Going to have to get creative and go for frozen veggies from now on...

Any other budget-saving tips?

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Well, with day 9 under my belt, I'm feeling good. But if anything motivates me to give up, I think it would be my grocery bills! Holy moly. Went to stock up today since my initial haul from May 31 ran out. Going to have to get creative and go for frozen veggies from now on...

Any other budget-saving tips?


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Thanks everyone for the support you leant me over the weekend :-) Day 10 for me now and I don't want to quit (well at the moment lol). I'm feeling so much better, trusting in the program and enjoying the challenge. 


Congratualtions to everyone who has made it this far. I love checking in on this forum.


It's getting colder here (Australia) and I've been craving warm comfort food. I made Well Fed's Shepherds Pie and it was perfect <3. I can't get my hands on any sugar free coconut aminos so I bought some anchovies in olive oil to replace and that added the umami taste that I have been craving badly. 

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Thanks everyone for the support you leant me over the weekend :-) Day 10 for me now and I don't want to quit (well at the moment lol). I'm feeling so much better, trusting in the program and enjoying the challenge. 


Congratualtions to everyone who has made it this far. I love checking in on this forum.


It's getting colder here (Australia) and I've been craving warm comfort food. I made Well Fed's Shepherds Pie and it was perfect <3. I can't get my hands on any sugar free coconut aminos so I bought some anchovies in olive oil to replace and that added the umami taste that I have been craving badly. 


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day 9 went well. I went out to eat a late dinner (boy the past week my meal times have been off BUT I survived!).


One thing I've done and to some this may be silly but it was a big step for me: I added a sweet potato to my breakfast along with the three eggs and cup of sautéed veggies I already eat. The workout suggestions say this but I just got scared if I ate the potato it would send me in a carb frenzy and I might go crazy with a binge. know what I  mean those with those tendencies?


Well after an hour long workout (walk and weights)....the eggs/veggies didn't quite feel enough in terms of energy level. So I ate sweet potato and I swear I felt my energy level balance out instantly and I went about my morning.


So it's only day 9 and I know I haven't won the marathon but that piece...listening to my body/mind and not fearing it--worked. AND I told my self it's a damn sweet potato. Not a bar of chocolate, not a bag of chips. Sometimes at my age I can't believe the stupid food "issues" I'm trying to undo that have been ingrained in my head. 


I have to remind myself over and over to take the risk to face the fear. Without that I won't know how far I can push out of my strict comfort zone in regards to food.


All other meals have been great and compliant. As someone who avoided beef for years...I'm finding I thoroughly enjoy the grass fed kind a few times a week (but $$$$).


Also...my breath!!! HELP. why does it stink so bad? Is it ketosis? not trying to do that? I drink tons of water, etc so anyone else?!

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Well, with day 9 under my belt, I'm feeling good. But if anything motivates me to give up, I think it would be my grocery bills! Holy moly. Went to stock up today since my initial haul from May 31 ran out. Going to have to get creative and go for frozen veggies from now on...

Any other budget-saving tips?

I just stopped buying Organic to save costs.  We are all doing this and we have 4 kids so it's costing us a lot more than normal.  We also aren't buying all grass fed meats etc.  I know it's highly recommended but we are having to take baby steps and are following the rest to the tee.  We haven't even set a grocery budget, just buying as we need but we are going to have to do one soon and stick with it!

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