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June 1st Support Thread


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I'm not sure where you live... I live in TN and am part of a Real Food Nashville facebook group.

Our group has hundreds of members and we are able to go in together to purchase cows, eggs, etc., to get a good rate.

I bought 2 dozen local organic eggs from a small farm for $3.75/doz over the weekend through the group.

My extended family went in together to purchase and process a cow from a local farmer.  DH and I got 1/8 of a cow, approx 75 lbs of meat, for $200.  Granted, I know we got a realllllly good deal on that cow since it was a friend of our family who raised it... however, if you have the cash to pay up front and room to store it, it's a much more economical way of getting meat that you can feel good about.

Maybe there is a similar group in your area, or perhaps you have some like minded neighbors and friends who would be interested in an egg/beef/poultry/etc. co-op.

There is a local group or farm that offers good products but the prices are about the same as Publix/grocery store. I'm certain the quality is better though. I did discover a buddy raises chickens and yesterday I bought 30 eggs from him for just $8 so that's a great find!

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How in the world?!? Please share your secrets! We are spending the same as Glen and we only have 2 people and a baby...


Well, first of all I should say that I don't buy organic/ grass-fed meat. That is not an expense that we can afford.


We buy ALL of our meat in bulk at Costco and have a chest freezer. The day before the W30, we got...

whole chickens, packages of chicken thighs and breasts, ground turkey and beef, chuck roasts, huge steelhead trout fillets (cheaper than salmon, more sustainable, and interchangeable in recipes!), bags of shrimp, canned salmon and tuna, avocados, almond milk, butter (to make ghee), almond butter, and frozen berries.  That right there ran us about $300, but again, it lasts for WEEKS.


The weekly average from Costco comes to $30 (not including baby formula)


90% of our veggies come from a CSA. We got a small share, which still turns out to be more than we can eat! We get 1/2 a bushel of produce every week.


The weekly average from the CSA is $25.


Since we're not buying meat or veggies, all we get at the store is occasional out-of-season produce like sweet potatoes, stuff for my non-W30 husband's lunches (deli meat, apples), eggs (2 doz. a week now! OY), spices, coconut milk and other canned goods, and cat food.


The average grocery bill during a W30 comes to $60.


All told, that's $115 per week, but it wavers between $100 and $130.


What I DON'T buy:

~Expensive cuts of beef, like steak. Except on special occasions, I don't pay more than $6/lb. I get that this is not the most environmental choice. But I have to deal with the reality of a low budget. I make myself feel better with the CSA 

~Big fish, ESPECIALLY farmed large fish. (You might as well buy lion meat for how sustainable it is. I even feel like a jerk for buying tuna, actually). No salmon except on special occasions, no swordflish, no fresh tuna, etc.

~Bags of nuts and seeds. I buy them from the bulk bins at heath food stores for $4 less per pound

~Pre-made ANYTHING.


Not buying cereal/ granola bars/ dairy (we went through 1/2lb of cheese, 1/2 gal milk, and a quart of Greek yogurt every week)/ coffee saves us a LOT. If I weren't doing a W30, the grocery tab would be closer to $90 each week.

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Hi wyoinap :-)

I may be wrong but it sounds to me to like the binge feeling even when you are full is more psychological than physical. It sounds like eating is a comfort to you (I so get it!). Are you wanting to binge on anything in particular? I know when I am feeling anxious/stressed/overwhelmed with work I just want to eat cookies - heaps of them until I feel like I could burst lol!!

No, I was hungry. And I wasn't craving sugar but food since I had just eaten my meal. The key for me is to eat to fullness so I don't want/have the need to binge. Binging/purging was my go to for years to deal with anything. I've been on/off with that for years my longest last year for over 15 months. BUT as soon as I started thinking like oh, i'm only going to eat 1500 calories or eat this many carbs, I mentally and physically was restricting myself. Thus when things emotionally got out of wack...boom. BINGE and then purge. So I got the lesson and now the whole30 way is a huge step in heading back into recovery knowing that yes it is good to be vigilant BUT as soon as my mind goes into restrictive thinking (as in no sweet potatoes or extra fat for me!), then I'm setting myself up.

Right now I am working on dealing with feeling full or that fullness feeling and carrying on the day feeling satisfied. You know thoughts like I'm healing my body, i'm nourishing it, i'm thankful for the healthy food i can eat today, etc. You are lucky if you are one those who doesn't have to counter these feelings. Mine stemmed from childhood stuff years and years ago.

Once you relapse, you have to work harder to move forward because you are retraining yourself to feel the "feelings" both physcially and mentally. But it is possible and doable!

So far the whole30 plan has freed me from calorie counting, macro counting, enjoying true meat not just lean, fat free chicken/turkey, and plenty of fat. I don't exercise to burn calories. I enjoy being strong and healthy and genuinely like eating this way as I've done it for years except ended every night with a big dessert as my reward. Whole30 is helping me figure the sugar bit out.

I'm ashamed that i relapsed and engaged in behavior that negated my desire to continue to be strong and healthy physically. But I remind myself of those feelings and that feeling excellent and proud of myself every morning I "make" it that I just have to ignore the provoking thoughts and instead fuel/feed my body or figure out strategies to deal with anxiety/stressors. And hey, great skin and hair is a plus!

Sorry for the book. i'm using this to log my thoughts in one spot and it helps just to type it out in words.

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Day 11

B: eggs, veggies, sweet potato, coconut oil with coffee

Lunch: well fed best chicken, loads of broccoli and baby carrots, olives, avocado

Dinner: ground beef, cauliflower zuke mushroom mix (lots! Yum), sweet potato, olives, coconut flakes

Tea in evening

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I heard someone open a soda can at work today, and it made me want a soda. I tried La Croix last week, the orange and the berry. The orange was icky and the berry wasn't too bad, but not for me. I just don't like sparkling water.


I wish there was another option.

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I heard someone open a soda can at work today, and it made me want a soda. I tried La Croix last week, the orange and the berry. The orange was icky and the berry wasn't too bad, but not for me. I just don't like sparkling water.


I wish there was another option.


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Natural Sodas...the worst.  The stevia tastes like medicine.   My favorite is Pelligrino.  I don't know about real vanilla but here's a recipe.   You can mix it with everything and it's not as strong tasting as Perrier.


Houndstooth #Coffee Julep. - a twist on the classic mint julep - consists of espresso, splash of vanilla and San Pellegrino sparkling water, then topped off with ice and fresh muddled mint.



You will find that I am one of the very few people that think coffee is disgusting. Anything that has coffee in it, I won't eat. Bleh.

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I am new to Paleo and whole30. My husband and I started on the first. I am loving it. I love all the resources online. I live in a small town in northern cali and wish i knew other people who was paleo. It would be nice to talk to someone.

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I bought a jicama a couple days ago, and never had it before. What are some things I can do with it?

I followed the Well Fed recipe to pre-cook it. It takes some time in the slow cooker but she makes home fries or potato salad with it. I haven't done it yet but I will do soon. However the simple thing apparently it just to eat it raw, like a crudite for a dip or something.

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Boyfriend and I are watching some deep-fried cooking competition show. It is a cruelty to know that deep-fried mashed potato balls with gravy are a thing, whilst doing a whole30.

Anyway. I ate at Chipotle twice today. It's not that I love Chipotle so much, it's just a thing that happened. Lunch meeting, we carried out food and Chipotle was chosen because I can eat there (woohoo supportive colleagues!), and boyfriend wanted to go there for dinner, so I figured, "What the heck."

How y'all doing today?

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I followed the Well Fed recipe to pre-cook it. It takes some time in the slow cooker but she makes home fries or potato salad with it. I haven't done it yet but I will do soon. However the simple thing apparently it just to eat it raw, like a crudite for a dip or something.

Raw jicama is the bomb, yo.

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Day 11 and I am SO happy that I prepped a ton of food at the weekend. It's been a really busy week and I didn't get home until 7 pm tonight. Normally that would have meant me just eating the first thing I found, crackers, cookies, cheese, applesauce- anything that doesn't require cooking. Tonight though, I had cooked turkey and three different cold salads to put on my plate. It took me minutes to load up my plate and sit down and it tasted SO good. 


Food at even a small conference can be hard to work around as it is all pre-prepped. So today I ate my breakfast before I left and as I got there early no-one realized I had not eaten from the breakfast buffet when the rest of the team arrived.


I was however scared about lunch buffet with all the sauces and dressings but thanks to the emails I went armed today with some almonds and olives. I grabbed lots of undressed salad greens, added the oil and vinegar and found some steak and threw on my olives and almonds when no one was looking and felt very smug AGAIN! 

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Day 12 !!!


I have been doing well so far although on day 10 I had these thoughts about the first sugar filled food I was going to eat when this was all over, then I read my goals list and the first one was to make healthy eating a life change not just a 30 day challenge. That ended my sugar rant right then and there. 


As a reward for making it through my first week of Whole 30, I got the Well Fed Paleo Recipes book and I'm so excited to start cooking new things. I am learning that I really love taking the time to create something new in the kitchen. Last night was Cashew chicken YUM!!!!!  :P


Anyhow Happy day 12 everyone!!!!

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Hi All, I just started visiting the forums and I'm glad I found this thread. I started June 1 and have been doing fine with the actual eating - have been fine but nothing dramatic- a little "flu-ish" in the beginning but that's gone. Not feeling fantastic yet - no tiger blood for sure!! Its the time commitment that is really starting to get to me.

Hoping to feel some kinship here - I have four teenagers and a husband who are NOT doing this with me and it's getting tougher. All the food prep and cooking multiple meals and spending money and NOT really feeling any better... need some motivation.

Yesterday I had such a long day- I was so busy and tired, didn't eat enough in general and not nearly enough veggies. This morning I feel sluggish and bloated and weepy. Need some encouragement. If I complain to my husband he'll just say "then quit." :( Feeling fragile and overwhelmed. Please help thanks so much.

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Hi All, I just started visiting the forums and I'm glad I found this thread. I started June 1 and have been doing fine with the actual eating - have been fine but nothing dramatic- a little "flu-ish" in the beginning but that's gone. Not feeling fantastic yet - no tiger blood for sure!! Its the time commitment that is really starting to get to me.

Hoping to feel some kinship here - I have four teenagers and a husband who are NOT doing this with me and it's getting tougher. All the food prep and cooking multiple meals and spending money and NOT really feeling any better... need some motivation.

Yesterday I had such a long day- I was so busy and tired, didn't eat enough in general and not nearly enough veggies. This morning I feel sluggish and bloated and weepy. Need some encouragement. If I complain to my husband he'll just say "then quit." :( Feeling fragile and overwhelmed. Please help thanks so much.


I hear ya! I'm not seeing any magic yet and the expense and time is really getting to me. I'm happy that we are 1/3 of the way there, though! I'm sure the next few weeks will get easier as I get more used to the cooking prep and my appetite settles in. I'm just trying to push through since I've invested so much already. I'm sure we'll start seeing some benefits, soon.

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 All the food prep and cooking multiple meals and spending money and NOT really feeling any better... need some motivation.



I hear ya! I'm not seeing any magic yet and the expense and time is really getting to me.

The following articles may help:

- Whole30 tough love: http://whole30.com/2014/01/whole30-tough-love/

- Whole30 on a budget: http://whole9life.com/2011/01/paleo-poor-your-guide-to-the-grocery-store/

- Time saving tips and tricks from Top Paleo Chefs: http://whole9life.com/2012/01/kitchen-tips-and-trick/

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I was however scared about lunch buffet with all the sauces and dressings but thanks to the emails I went armed today with some almonds and olives. I grabbed lots of undressed salad greens, added the oil and vinegar and found some steak and threw on my olives and almonds when no one was looking and felt very smug AGAIN! 

Please tell me where you've found good olives or what to look for - I haven't been able to find any without all sorts of strange additives and I would LOVE some olives in my life :)

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Hi All, I just started visiting the forums and I'm glad I found this thread. I started June 1 and have been doing fine with the actual eating - have been fine but nothing dramatic- a little "flu-ish" in the beginning but that's gone. Not feeling fantastic yet - no tiger blood for sure!! Its the time commitment that is really starting to get to me.

Hoping to feel some kinship here - I have four teenagers and a husband who are NOT doing this with me and it's getting tougher. All the food prep and cooking multiple meals and spending money and NOT really feeling any better... need some motivation.

Yesterday I had such a long day- I was so busy and tired, didn't eat enough in general and not nearly enough veggies. This morning I feel sluggish and bloated and weepy. Need some encouragement. If I complain to my husband he'll just say "then quit." :( Feeling fragile and overwhelmed. Please help thanks so much.

Hi, Warrior!  I'm so glad you're joining this thread - I think you picked a great name, too.

What made you start a Whole 30?  What are your goals?

I saw this great graphic by the Whole30 team on instagram the other day - it says, "I already know what giving up feels like... I want to see what happens if I don't." That was exactly what I needed to hear, and when I feel discouraged, I just remind myself that I want to know what it feels like to push through this.

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So much for tiger blood. I am getting a visit from Aunt Flo and it hasn't been pleasant. :( I have had flashes of the clear thought/great energy but these past 3 days have been a bit blah. I think it's hormones...I'm hoping to perk back up and feel re-motivated soon. I just keep plugging along. sigh. It doesn't help that when I feel this crappy I usually succor myself with something really decadent like brownies or pizza. (or both!)


It's really an eye opener how I thought I was eating so 'good' before when really I was eating A LOT of garbage. I thought frozen chicken strips were a pretty good choice thrown onto a lettuce salad with store bought major brand dressing poured over it. Yuck. What was I thinking? Literally almost everything I ate was processed.


Miserable right now, but still happy I am learning from this. I ordered a kettlebell DVD that should be arriving today. Going to try to get more active. 


I hope everyone is well! Stick to it! Remember, the timeline says this is the time that a lot of people give up. These are hard days, but we can do this! On the other side of it (just a few more days) is more energy and feeling better. Are you with me?!?

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Hi All, I just started visiting the forums and I'm glad I found this thread. I started June 1 and have been doing fine with the actual eating - have been fine but nothing dramatic- a little "flu-ish" in the beginning but that's gone. Not feeling fantastic yet - no tiger blood for sure!! Its the time commitment that is really starting to get to me.

Hoping to feel some kinship here - I have four teenagers and a husband who are NOT doing this with me and it's getting tougher. All the food prep and cooking multiple meals and spending money and NOT really feeling any better... need some motivation.

Yesterday I had such a long day- I was so busy and tired, didn't eat enough in general and not nearly enough veggies. This morning I feel sluggish and bloated and weepy. Need some encouragement. If I complain to my husband he'll just say "then quit." :( Feeling fragile and overwhelmed. Please help thanks so much.


You can do this. The discomfort you're feeling will not last. Are you getting enough protein, carbs and fat? I've found that a sweet potato with my meal really perks me up when I am feeling a little "off".

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I hope everyone is well! Stick to it! Remember, the timeline says this is the time that a lot of people give up. These are hard days, but we can do this! On the other side of it (just a few more days) is more energy and feeling better. Are you with me?!?


I know we're technically on Day 12, but not everyone is a template and feels the same things on the same days.


For Warrior's sake, this is what the timeline says about Days 10/11.


Days 10-11: The Hardest Days.

Fact: you are most likely to quit your Whole30 program on Day 10 or 11. By this point, the newness of the program has worn off. You've made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, but you've yet to experience any of the “magic†the program promises. You're still struggling to establish your new routine (read: you've eaten eggs prepared ten different ways over the last ten days), and while you've been trying really hard to have a good attitude, today you are incredibly aware of all the foods you're “choosing not to eat right now.† Everywhere you look, you see the things you “can't†have: the melted cheese on a greasy burger, the creaminess of that double-scoop cone, the cold beer in your best friend's tailgate cooler. Dammit, this is hard! And right now you're wondering if the results will really be as good as “they†all say it is.

You're cranky, you're impatient, and you're really, really tempted to just eat the stupid cheese.

This is where you really start to experience the psychological hold that your food habits have on you. You've put in a lot of effort to get to where you are right now, but you're still waiting for the results you're hoping to see. Your  brain tells you that you deserve some kind of reward (don't you?) and, of course, we've been conditioned to think of food as the best reward out there. Right now, you're craving that ice cream, beer, or whatever treat you think would make for just the right reward. But, instead of that treat, you're standing face to face with the realization that you have 20 more days of deprivation ahead of you.

The key here is to redefine your idea of reward.  Think long and hard about the foods you're grieving and ask yourself what need you're expecting them to fulfill.  Are you feeling anxious and looking for reassurance?  Are you feeling sad, and looking for something to cheer you up? Are you worried you won't successfully finish the program, and it's easier to self-sabotage than fail? Remind yourself that food cannot fill that void for you—cannot make you feel truly accomplished, comforted, calm, happy, beautiful. Then, find another way to fill that need that does not involve those foods. Prepare yourselves for these days, knowing that all you have to do is see them through to the other side before things get much, much easier.



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Day 12 !!!


I have been doing well so far although on day 10 I had these thoughts about the first sugar filled food I was going to eat when this was all over, then I read my goals list and the first one was to make healthy eating a life change not just a 30 day challenge. That ended my sugar rant right then and there. 


As a reward for making it through my first week of Whole 30, I got the Well Fed Paleo Recipes book and I'm so excited to start cooking new things. I am learning that I really love taking the time to create something new in the kitchen. Last night was Cashew chicken YUM!!!!!  :P


Anyhow Happy day 12 everyone!!!!

Awesome! Slaying the sugar dragon with your list of goals, I love it! :D I'm planning to make this a life change as well, and I catch myself thinking about having pizza 'afterwards' and it makes me laugh. :)

Well Fed is the best recipe book I ever bought, you're going to love it! So many delicious things.

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Hi All, I just started visiting the forums and I'm glad I found this thread. I started June 1 and have been doing fine with the actual eating - have been fine but nothing dramatic- a little "flu-ish" in the beginning but that's gone. Not feeling fantastic yet - no tiger blood for sure!! Its the time commitment that is really starting to get to me.

Hoping to feel some kinship here - I have four teenagers and a husband who are NOT doing this with me and it's getting tougher. All the food prep and cooking multiple meals and spending money and NOT really feeling any better... need some motivation.

Yesterday I had such a long day- I was so busy and tired, didn't eat enough in general and not nearly enough veggies. This morning I feel sluggish and bloated and weepy. Need some encouragement. If I complain to my husband he'll just say "then quit." :( Feeling fragile and overwhelmed. Please help thanks so much.

You're doing an amazing job!! :) Make sure you're eating enough - having a really good breakfast which includes protein fat and carbs sets you up for a good day.

I wonder, could you just make whole30 food and supply some pasta or rice to have with your family's portions, rather than doing multiple meals?

Stay strong, and check in here often - I get posts to this thread emailed to me, and it's helped me to feel less alone in this. <3

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