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I know we are supposed to include healthy fats into our meals, but I am struggling with this.  I do not like avocado and I have tried to include it in meals every way possible.  I do really like nuts (almonds and cashews mostly) but I don't want to over eat them.


Any suggestions on what to eat?

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You are wise not to over eat on nuts: the recommendation is to limit their use as a fat on a Whole30.


There are several additional compliant fat choices, including coconut oil, coconut milk, clarified butter, ghee, olives, lard, tallow, and duck fat.

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Also does anyone have a good coconut oil they recommmend?


I don't necessarily have a brand to recommend, I've bought several that I like, I just get whatever I can find in whatever store I'm at. But I will point out one thing that may make a difference for you -- unrefined, virgin coconut oil smells and tastes like coconut. I honestly don't notice it in anything I cook with it, but I love coconut, so that may be why it doesn't bother me.  Refined coconut oil will not smell or taste like coconut, so if you don't like the smell/taste, look for a refined oil. (Both should be solid at room temp -- I'm not sure what the liquefied coconut oils I've seen around are.) Some people are very bothered by the taste of coconut oil, especially in savory foods, so I thought I'd mention it.

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I use coconut oil for sweeter things, like sweet potatoes, or in my breakfast scramble with sweet potato and home made sausage, shallots, and kale, or anything that is going to have other coconut in it anyway, like curries with coconut milk in them.


For anything else where I don't want the coconut flavor, I use ghee, lard, tallow, or bacon grease.

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I use coconut oil a lot, and I like the coconut flavor most of the time. However, when I'm cooking something--like eggs--that wouldn't go well with that flavor, I just add a little salt to the melting oil. No coconut flavor.

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I use coconut oil a lot, and I like the coconut flavor most of the time. However, when I'm cooking something--like eggs--that wouldn't go well with that flavor, I just add a little salt to the melting oil. No coconut flavor.


Never heard of this. I'm gonna try it.

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Duck fat and goose fat are also delicious for cooking veggies and meats. If you're not sure where to find them, european markets/delis often have both, as so some french stores or specialty ingredient stores.


Asian markets may have duck fat, but rarely goose fat.


Great alternatives to coconut oil if you don't want to use ghee.


If you can't get either, cook some whole chickens and keep the chicken fat :)

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The whole fats thing Is a real struggle for me too, because for so long I was cutting fats... Am on day 5. So now, I pour 1 tbs of olive olive onto a dish, and dip my grilled meats into it. I just love the taste of grilled meat and olive oil!

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I can't find any olives that aren't in sunflower oil - and usually with preservatives in. Can I have olives in brine? What's the best option?


Sunflower is only okay if you're eating out and it's unavoidable (i.e., it's what the restaurant uses). For home eating, it's best to avoid. 


If by brine you mean water + salt, then that's perfect!

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