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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Lovelovelove the silks pics. You are clearly in your element. Yeah, eating properly for an early morning workout really is a pain, especially without protein shakes or eggs. Maybe others can chime in with what works for them.



Thanks. I love every second of the class. Even when I suck. I can feel that these 6 weeks made me so much stronger! I climb up to the top like no big deal. I still remember struggling and grinding teeth at first class. The best part - learn how to let go, trust and control myself. The picture where I have my arms off the silk up high? It is what it looks like - the only thing that holds me there is my leg pressing against another one. Climbing and balancing is not the exercise. Challenge is to slide down in this position. If you do it too fast you fall or burn your skin badly. Scary but you have to trust yourself. Amazing feeling. 


I am not concerned with the type of food to eat - I always have baked chicken, salmon etc. My problem is that I love one big meal at my table with no rush in the morning. I am generally not able to eat "a little". Snack is a torture for me. M!!!!! This is maybe the thing to fix my "bag of chips syndrome". It just struck me. Oh man, did I miss you. 

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And to add more of a silks fun. Girl from the class sent me funny ones. One I am told "now let go". See my face? Ahah Other one is just smudged evidence of struggle :) Getting ready for a date. What to wear? Eat prior? Tooth is killing me. Boooooo.



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Decided on nothing fancy, loose dress no heels and no hair done. Whatever. Just make up and a different person is here. Saaaaad. Kidding. I ate just in case. A year ago Id eat lettuce all day long to save up calories for a dinner at the restaurant. Yea...no. post-12442-13734997210407_thumb.jpg

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Nadia, your look is perfect. Great new silks pics. Bravo!

So smart to nourish yourself before going out.

I do my early morning classes with only a cup of decaf. I can't workout after eating. But I don't care if breakfast is five minutes as longas it's nutritious.

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Thank you ladies. Date went well. I even managed not to make a fool of myself eating oysters. They haven't served the regular mignonette sauce, but three others. I didn't torture the waitress and tried all three. Slight burning told me that they def had peppers and tomatoes. I decided to stick with horseradish and balsamic mix. For the main I had ceviche with Taro chips. Holy cow, was it good. BUT, again, something was off there as I felt itch again. And it had raw onions. 4 hours after I was in pain, but I was close to home already. Skipped dessert and caused a huge surprise. He wants to hang out again this Sunday. I am flattered but this causes "ostrich effect". Slightest pressure and I am hiding my head in the sand. We'll see.


I am a bit out of balance due to the nightshades and crave chocolate immediately. Ate 1 (!!!!!!!!!) square and put the bar back. I am so damn cool. Ahah. And yeah couldn't drag my ass next door for the morning wo. Good things are in plans for next days. Again, when the hell do I cook. And I am living in the cave, that bad my place looks like. I need to get it together, because we know what happens if there is no good meal plan. I have zero interest in crying here again about how sloppy I feel like.    


Gather has just arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am drooling.

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Thanks. No way I am cooking for the guy I barely know :D I am not sure it's a good thing, but I need a loooooot of time to get used to someone, ages to get close. Wrong person near? Maybe. I am very used to be independant and keep it all to myself. Well, since Jan to myself and all of you. Hahaah.

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I am kind of going nuts here. Literally too. I just had a handful of macadamia. Little orgasm in my mouth. Dear tummy, please, I won't do it again anytime soon, don't rebel. I hope this will help and I won't have to pay high price for this. 


More random facts:


- awesome pump class, sore sore and I am such a baby considering the weight I am working with. As you've guessed I did not freeze gym membership, but I am doing weight class, so kind of ok. 

- danced salsa till 11-30 last night. Went to sleep very late. One guy tried to teach me to dance zouk. HOLY that is hard. I mean you have to be flexible as hell. My stubbron brain immediately wants to do it, but I have no time. get over it, Nadia. So beautiful tho, check the video. Skip to 1:22. Zouk. 

- digestion is out of wack, but I got so used to it. Taking antibiotics. No booch at home aaaa. Water kefir is doing something strange, I must have messed up somewhere down the mixing water with sugar. 

- my place is still so disgusting. No foo or clean well...anything. I am ashamed to admit that I was looking up a cleaner rates, because I am terrified to start this. Especially when the other option is to go listen to the live music at the harbourfront. 

- workout tomorrow early morning, road trip with parents because I promised ages ago and Dad is back to chemo for next week, birthday party after. Looked up several great restaurants at the lakefront so we are fixed with food. I hope. 

- ballet, checking salsa street festival (two days, from morning to the late night yaaaa) with Oyster boy (apparently he can dance a bit weee), then lunch with him, then meeting M to go to the Shakespeare play as the weather is fine. I am scared to write it let alone make it all happen. 

- we bought tickets for a music fest and are going on the road trip in August. Best line up ever. The Cure!!!!! I want to see them badly, I know they are old, who cares. God know how to stay friends with my tummy on a 5 day trip. I was thinking of committing to a massive whole30 that will start in August. Or doing one right after my b-day. blahblah. 

- paleo doc keeps bailing. Universe is against my health :D 

- I have 2 courgettes and a can of salmon in my fridge. That's it. 

- I haven't lost a single pound since I got all back to template. I have weighted myself, I am still same "giant in my head" weight. BUT! See the pants? They were tight when I bought them. De-fluff yayaya.  

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Hi there, sunnymama, join the party. Realistic thread about unrealistic goals...yeaaa :) Zouk and kizomba blew my mind. It's like tango meets bachata.

Insult to the injury. I ate cheese. Raw milk cheese produced in Europe seems to be ok with me. Not very surprising. I had several breakouts by the end if the night, but I will never know if it's macadamia or actually cheese. Yea, Mo, dedication to AIP full steam :D

Now. Very important question. Very. Have you ever tried avocado with pear? Have you ever tried guacomole with pear? Out of this world. Seriously. I have original recipe which sounds amazing, but it's not my tummy compliant, so I ate a slice of avocado with slice of pear. My nee favorite food. Can we consider pear protein please?

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Food disaster, but I am praying to Gods of digestion that I will be fine :) Workout with M (insert rambling about ex) and awesome day with parents. We went to the city on the lake and Royal Botanical gardens. Walking all day feels good. Being with parents feels good. Like I am making it up for the years we've missed. Going to the b-day party soon.

Food disaster: 1. Tiny pre wo meal = starving after wo = nothing I mean nothing to eat in the area = carrot/beet juice + apricots + macadamia. 2. Tapas restaurant = mystery dressing = mystery "korean" style meat in salad=mystery tacos (no shells of course) = raw onions somewhere = spoonful of ricotta with truffle. I can't say no to this.

I am bloated and tummy hurts, but nothing unbearable. Kind of sucess!


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Despite the tummy troubles (ugh, so sorry it's relentless), looks like a gorgeous fun day! P.s. cherries in booch must be of the tart variety for maximum deliciousness. Thyme is just as good as basil. Plum adds nice sweetness. If you try it, let me know what you think. P.p.s. dang about those pants! I know you don't see it, but you always, and I mean always, look fit and slim in your photos. If only we could see the beauty in ourselves others see.

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Thanks M! This is my secret "dream". To be able to watch myself for a while with someone else's eyes. Crazy talk? Maybe. No tart cherries here :( Only sweet ones. They still work awesome. I must try plum too. 


Susan and Jessica  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  (one from each one of us)


My news:


1. My tummy let me got away with eating out with parents. It let me get away with raw cheese. It let me get away with eating veggies claimed to be cooked in olive oil from the fancy supermarket food stand (squash, rutabaga and beans) and looking compliant but still deli style roast beef from the same supermarket. It let me get away with iced coffee. I am thrilled and scared that I will slip big time. Or not even that. I am just amazed. I need several super clean safe days. Or a wholesomething maybe. I only have ground lamb and courgette in my fridge anyways. 

2. My face is clean. Cleanest clean. I am taking killer antibiotics. I guess it's the reason. I am kind of scared that after I finish the course it will go back to craze I had. Or maybe I had parasites/infection the tests haven't caught and now it's killed and I can eat veggies? Maybe I'll have to be extra cautious because of all these antibiotics instead? Urghhh. Any input, anyone? 

3. Bailed on date with Oyster Boy. Went to see the play in the park with Mark. Stupid me. I am out of wack completely today. Seriously, how long my stupid ego will do this to me? I ended it. I had my reasons. I hated to hurt him because of my own expectations from this relationships. Too bad we care for each other a lot. I have to stop even talking to him. "I am all alone here" is not an excuse. It. Is. Just. Not. Also it is just mean to think about what was wrong to remind myself that I did everything right.

4. Ballet is wonderful. I am signing up for salsa class :ph34r: I am buying point shoes soon. 

5. I am pretty happy in general. I can't afford to let all my worries take over. My new goal is to learn how to let go anything.  

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Letting go is so hard and so good. Antibiotics probably are helping clear your skin, and that doesn't mean the breakouts will return with a vengeance. Are you supplementing with extra probiotics, though? I hope they're not tearing up your gut. Even if they are, it can be repaired! Hooray pointe shoes! And salsa! Bummer about tart cherries. You would love them. I'm surprised they don't grow there since you're quite close to here, where they grow. Hmmmmm.

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I am drinking booch and eating kraut. I know I should do more.

AIP gourmet in da house! Ahah. Funny that I got from crazy complicated meals to this. I sprinkled some cumin and thought that it's the most fantastic meal on Earth. In reality I am showing off my nails. Also I need to clean (will I ever?) but I got home from yoga and just want to stay in bed with the book. So be it. post-12442-13739361784742_thumb.jpg

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Om nom! And pretty nails! 


I'm going to work from home tomorrow and redo my nails and maybe clean?


I feel like enough of us complain of our dirty homes that we should have a dirtiest room competition. Though I don't think that is something I'm brave enough to post on the internet. 

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I have slept in. Really slept in. Not even for planned workout. I slept in like woke up, threw ground lamb and summer squash to the skillet, showered, ate breakfast and walked out the door with wet hair and zero make up. It.felt.amazing. I am drinking iced coffee. And I shouldn't really. I am tolerating it ok, but it builds up I am sure. Gotta stop. 


De-fluffing is happening in my boobs area which is funny. I have almost every bra size in my closet. Tummy is almost alright. Ate last piece of raw cheese and not buying more. Not taking chances. Seeing Oyster Boy tonight if I don't get a M's regrets kicking in. Later I am going to BJORK concert. I am over the moon. She is phenomenal and I am dying to see the show she will put together.


I am also reading a book about hormones by Natasha Turner. She is a Canadian naturopath. Lots of interesting facts. Of course she is selling supplements and such, but the read is interesting regardless. This is her website. Not sure what I think about it, but they have tests that would be beneficial. 



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Just caught up. *Loved* that red silk dress with the "undone" hair. I think that's my fave outfit of yours. I think it's good for a date too--not too fussy. Confident.

I had to laugh at your "ugly meals." All of mine have been so ugly for so long. I don't even care. But I do love the ground meat party on lettuce with something. The roasted radishes sound good. Maybe when it's not over 100 degrees with heat index. :-

Glad you are sounding more *you.* And seriously that R Wolff piece you posted elsewhere changed my whole outlook. Thanks for sharing. Gave me the focus and kick in the butt I so badly needed.

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