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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Beets, hi! Took me way longer to let go the pretty factor. I am so fine with messy whatever now and i love it. As long as it makes me feel good. I was thinking about you sprinkling cumin over my meat :D

I am so glad that the article was right on spot. We are all good kicking every one else's butts but our owns. Because it's well easier...even technically :) For me it was the line about "clean your plate rule" that made it special. Maybe it is coming from "hungry" times when good food was limited, but pretty much every Soviet and post-Soviet kid has been raised that you don't waste food. You MUST eat everything that is on your plate. Etc. I don't want to blame it all on the history tho.

Roasted radishes are good cold too. Believe it or not.

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Nadia, us polish kids had to clean plate as well. Parents lived through serious depression era with no food for my brother. Skinny kids implied to poor to feed us. I personally just never had time to eat as a child until one day...........

I'm so relived to hear you say that you are feeling better! Our Nadia is back!

.now how did I miss the R Wolf piece?

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Bjork concert was insane. Sand, waterfront and magic sounds. She is a phenomenal artist.

Slept in again! Coffee again, but it's ok. Energy is good. Digestion is almost ok. Gym today.

In slight panic because I am eating out twice. Running to the lunch with co-workers. It's a birthday lunch. I failed to check the menu prior. Absolutely no way of modifying and not ending up with just lettuce. I will try.

Dinner date with OB. Finally I gave up. His choice of place so fingers crossed for more luck with changing stuff up.


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Yes! Toronto is pretty amazing, I won't lie. I've survived, but I am sure I got some nono foods in me somehow. I had soup, rainbow kale salad (NOT massaged, idiots) with salmon and a mango sorbet. Along with this I got some seeds, peppers, tomatoes, raw onion and mustard. Waiter was exhausted after talking to me. He loved other people ordering pizza and lasagna. Everyone is sleepy and laughs about being ready to blow up. How is that funny, dumb people. I am bloated and I feel my blood running ten times faster. Eeeeew. I wish i had that tincture from Mo. Anyways, nothing terrible terrible yet. One more dinner and I am done. Trying my best to figure out the place we are going. He is playing "oh it's a surprise". Day of total stupidity everywhere, I should just ask straight :) I hate eating out. Who would have ever thought I will say it. Every time crazy whiny selfmisery mode launches after eating out and triggering the inflammation. Damn you fear to hurt co-worker's feelings. I should have eaten my compliant lunch and go have coffee/tea there. Lesson learned. How many times do I have to jump on these racks over and over? Dear body, please don't hate me.  


UPD. He gave me the clue and google tells me it's a Japanese place. Could be worse on the other hand. Could be Italian. Reading the menu and feel fine.  

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Oh Lady M, I wish I could relax. I am terrified that my skin rashes, malabsorbtion and co will come back if not careful. I am terrified to eat out for now. I've just calmed down my inflammation. Antibiotics have def killed some nasty bacteria, because face is still ok and digestion is ok. I couldn't have healed in 5 days... I also contribute it to limiting pretty much all starches (whispering plantaaaaaaain and shedding a tear) and fruits. I am bloated like hell when I eat them = glucose malabsorbtion = explains starches case. And I have significantly dropped the booch. I know that I do better on the lower side of carb curve. Emotionally too. My muscles recover ok, so it is not affecting my performance for now as well. I eat crazy skillets with literally whatever lo I have in the fridge. I have not done a proper shopping forever. Cleaning out te fridge again. Today for dinner for example was turkey sausage, enoki mushrooms, napa cabbage with barberries and coriander. And I've sprinkled dried seaweed. Ate with avocado. Seriously strange combo. Or I have no ready food at the fringe = no lunches. I bought cuce, avocado, smoked salmon, carrot and a head of lettuce. I ate everything separately. Lol. I need to write to Santa and ask that I can keep this attitude forever. You wish, girl you say. I know.

Ok, at least for couple weeks, please. Because if stomach ache for half day is all that I am getting after yesterday...I'd rather be grateful. Oh yes, yesterday. So second part of gut torture was Japanese place...without real waiters. You have an Ipad, submit your order and a silent guy brings everything. "How do you make changes to the menu?" "You don't". Cold sweat. I don't know if I look that poor and hungry, but I was half forced to try like everything. I get it, you can pay for dinner, stop it now. Oyster B was in for real surprise. I wonder if I should tell him about my love for offal :D I was happy eating daikon and cabbage that came as plate decorations. I didn't order from deep fried section or actual rolls. I ordered and didn't eat dessert (I ate one scoop of ice cream, ok). I didn't want popcorn at the movies. Or candies. Or juice. I kind of like it this way. Easy to bond over food, but this way i can see right away what's left when lubricant of food is gone. I like him a lot. He does everything right. Moreover, he does things that M used to do wrong right. I saw weird lucid dreams about M. I woke up in tears. I am tired of these games my mind is playing.

Went to see soccer game of little cousin with Aunt and Mom. Staying overnight at parents. Dragged new food processor I got them all the way up north, Dad is happy, yay! Lots of work and plans next days. Running around with the plan to slow down. Saturday OB wants to take me out of the city. Lake and forest. My ass is too big for my swimsuit I have. I didn't care much until my Mom said you "still have not lost those pounds" and "Ballet is changing your legs...your calves are so much bigger". Thanks Mooooom, good to see you. Whatever, I will just go and buy new bottom tomorrow. I am not too concerned about being on the beach. I think hey, if all you care is my flat stomach (its not flat by any means) I don't really need you. You can tell I am not in love? Go with the flow, Nadia. It's all get sorted out.

Some concerts, one more coffee date (yes dif guy, but he is a great friend ohoh), POINTE SHOES FITTING and lots of other stuff. It's 110 outside. Hell came to Toronto. Brain is melting. There is no temperature high enough that I can't eat groind lamb ;)

Lady M, cherries are fantastic, only sour ones from now on. Yoga is on hold. I have my monthy trial to activate still and will go to Nidra class on Monday!

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We were at the beach yesterday. Coney Island. Everyone was walking around in bathing a suits of course bc it's 100 degrees out with no breeze--even on the ocean. Even these very fit early 20s women have dimply thighs. But my real point was about being comfortable in their skin. Coney Island is a little microcosm of NYC; there are people of all races and sizes and cultures, styling girls from the hood along with aristocratic-looking French and Barbie-doll Scandinavian families. The most attractive people weren't necessarily ones with the "most perfect" bodies, bc these generally belong to pubescent girls, but to people who are rocking whatever they have with confidence.

I say this as a total hypocrite--I was wearing long leggings!!!! in 100 degree heat bc my psoriasis flared after eating ice cream last week (which, learning nothing, Rob Wolff article notwithstanding, I did again yesterday) and have shaved my legs in almost a week.

But well alnyway. I thought it was interesting. Also your comment about your "big bottom" (poor you with the mom comments about your calves!) made me think of this weird Internet hole I traveled into yesterday. I was like, what exactly *is* twerking? And then I found out. I would link to the twerk gif tumblr I looked through but it is NSFW. And also kind of disturbed me. Twerk it, girl.

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I actually wrote in my journal while at the beach "I am so glad there are fat people here." My guess is most of us are relieved to see real and diverse bodies at the beach rather than judging them. Love your observations, Beets. And Nadia, moms are tough, some more than others. I know my own mother still feels ownership over my body, though I haven't lived in hers for 36+ years and haven't been in her direct care for 18. Mercy and forgiveness toward our mothers is a spiritual practice. As is staying committed to your own truth. Calves aren't bigger, they're fiercer and stronger. And a bigger bottom on your cute frame can only be an asset at the beach if you ask me! So happy you're into this new guy!!

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I remember the teacher at the afrofusion dance (went because it was free haha) made us do it. Noooo waaaaaay. It is an art, Mo, true story. I am just wondering how many hours were killed on practicing this valuable skill.

Yes about the beach observations. I bet that if we had to walk same route and pick 3 people we found attractive, we would end up with different people.

LadyM, oh did you? We always seem to try and place ourselves on the social ladder. We are comparing and figuring out how much "power" we have based on the position we assigned to ourselves. Weird social law.

Reading Mo's log is giving results and I don't care that much if I need to buy a size up. I also love my calves even if they don't fit into most of the high boots.

She didn't mean to offend me, I know it. She has been skinny all her life, what does she know about image issues. Word "bigger" has no horrible conotation to her. If she can't filter, I will do this for her. It's hard not to make someone's expectations our own ones. It's even harder not to expect anything from other people. That's a superpower.

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Nadia, the ballet shoe pics are priceless. Do save them. I love the one of just your legs. Quite artistic.

I always hated to put on a big huge black swimsuit. Now I wear a bikini and I don't give a rip what anyone says. I'm old. If was back on the French Riviera I would go topless this time. Unless I was with Zach who would be mortified I bet. Last time all the women my age were topless. Nobody was judging them that I could tell.

Why do we feel the need to make things so difficult on ourselves.

Tomorrow I am going to practice twerking! :)

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Day 35. Milk test.

Ok, curiosity won and I've weighted myself. I've been nagging that I've gained weight. I didn't, I've lost 2 pounds. My measurements haven't really changed though, so I assume it's just water.

Hunger demon decided to stay with me today too. Big breakfast of 2 eggs + spinach/mushrooms + 1/3 avocado (looks gross, apologies) + 2 turkey mini patties. Followed by several slices of squash.

I stopped by my favorite coffee shop on my way to work to pick up a bag of coffee. While the double Americano was brewing and my coffee being grinded, I chatted with the owner about eating paleo and my Whole3o experience. I decided to give milk a try. They had only half and half, so I went for it. It should have been “mmm milkâ€, but it was more of “eeeeeeew, milkâ€. It tasted gross. Absolutely gross. The owner was kind enough to replace the coffee with a black one. When I got to the office I found a little paleo treat in my bag. Ingredients were as follows: organic crystallized nectar of the coconut blossom, coconut cream, organic horizontally traded cacao (I have no clue what this means) and organic vanilla extract. I ate like 1/3 of it. Too sweet. No, thanks. Tummy still hurts a bit.

Green party is for lunch today: steamed bok choy + shrimps + greens/pepper/cucumber/mayo salad + grapefruit.


Pilates after work.

Dinner. Glorious dinner! I wasn't too hungry after the class (this is my fav thing about w30 - intervals between meals), so I decided to cook veggies. It turned out so yummy, I though I am gonna cry. Ha!


I had lemongrass chicken + carrots + roasted broccoli in ghee and lemon + coconut almond green beans (theclothesmakethegirl. If you haven't tried it yet, you missed a lot). This is the meal worth bloating. I can't belive I just wrote it.

This is it for today. Good luck everyone struggling out there.

Hi Nadia-

Can you link to that delicious looking recipe? I checked Mel's site but couldn't find it.  Thanks so much! I enjoy reading your blog!

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Hi there! Wow, that's a blast from the past post. 5 months has passed, seriously? Anyways, here is the recipe link

http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2012/03/14/coconut-almond-green-beans/ Enjoy!

LadyM, yes, first pair. My ankles are not strong enough, but I am improving. Classes will start later, for now I just stare at them and meeeeeelt away. I know that first year it will be releves at the bar for most of the part. That's cool with me.

Speaking more of beach and body figures. I read this and loved it:

"Real women are fat. And thin. And both, and neither, and otherwise. Doesn't make them any less real…. There is a phrase I wish I could engrave upon the hearts of every single person, everywhere in the world, and it is this sentence which comes from the genius lips of the grand and eloquent Mr. Glenn Marla: There is no wrong way to have a body". Full article here - http://www.hanneblank.com/blog/2011/06/23/real-women/ I thought that I disagree a bit, but that's just details. There are wrong ways, that's why so many people are here. Harming body is a wrong way. I don't even like the word wrong. Regardless of these details, I really like the message.

I am sleepy and lazy. I need to go get ready for gym and beach. I had ground beef and chinese cabbage for breakfast and just falling asleep in my high chair. Catching up on the sleep later at the beach. I am a fun date, yes.

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Nadia- Just popping in (no, not pooping) to say your calves look awesome and strong. The shot with just your legs/feet/shoes is my favorite.  :wub:

Haha yeah no pooping allowed here. Thanks, Mary. I love my calves because they allow me to do what I love. It's one of those weird things, when you get excited about the "professional" marks. Like stronger calves or little bruises/burns from silks or marks on the toes from dancing shoes.

Hope your tumbling practice is going really well!

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Thanks ;) Except when it's time to buy hign boots ahah Oh well, first world problems.


I gave up on those and just decided they were not my style which mostly keeps me from getting jealous of other people that wear them. I can't wear skinny jeans either because my calves look ridiculous in them so it matters not to me. Fashion be damned I'll dress the body God gave me and rock my own fabulous style.  ;)

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