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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Mary, I am sooooo envious of the handstand. You have no idea. Well you have now if you ever read it. Hehe.


I read it. Always! No envy warranted, though, this is really beginner stuff here.


Sorry about the annoying friend...I have one like that and I have found it works to sternly say "I'm not talking about this anymore" and change the subject. I'm not even subtle about it. Whatever. It says a lot more about them and their issues/insecurities than it does about us. 

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The different philosophies are exhausting to follow and embrace.  I don't get why nuts are allowed either because it seems so obvious that they would be hard on the gut.   The no coffee/kombucha rule sounds the most grueling.  I can imagine that I would be healthier without coffee, but I just can't rock the boat that much and do everything else.  Power to you.  Your day sounds fantastic - I'd love a walk to go see a Shakespeare play in the evening!!

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I meant that particular line about your superheroesness. Handstand is a handstand is a handstand.

Folks, it's so weird. Didn't eat after theater last night = no dinner. In the morning I had cup of broth, two drumsticks and some courgette/mushrooms fried. I felt like I swallowed a stick of butter. I had to lie down for a while. Sore (after gym and pole class. nothing to be proud of) and ready to throw up I walked to my silks class. It didn't even occur to me that I can cancel. So 30 min after walking I was seriously afraid that I will throw up (food is fresh and chicken is ok!) or faint. Found half nked bar from last night. Iced coffee and that half piece seemed to help me a bit. Class was tough because its so humid. Silks just stick to the skin like a glue. Sweating and moving seemd to help. I felt better. Then I went towards home, got an invitation from a friend to go see shoes exhibition (rise of the sneaker culture, so cool!) and went straight there aaand some shopping for my cousins. Long story short I got hungry by 6 pm only (since 8am). Got home, ate pumpkin raspberry soup, chicken and broccoli skillet. Half avo. I was totally full. It is scary and awesome at the same time. Its good because I am used to my crazy hand to mouth unstoppable urge to eat at dinner. Scary because well obviously why. Why can't I be in the middle? I hope that it's smth not to worry about. There should be a good explanation tho. Lower carb (almost no fruit or starches) prob got me to fat adaptation again?

I can do without coffee and booch for 10 days for sure. I've done it before. Coffee uhm I just live my morning cup so much. Its the taste, decaf does the trick just alright. It's totally doable, easier than it seems. I'd quit it if I saw any negative impact. So I'll see after clean10.

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Ok. I really need best anti soreness, anti pain and anti fatigue tips. Anti pain first please. I am not sure what happened, but every millimeter if my poor body hurts. I am not trying to be dramatic here, but I nearly fell when I woke up to pee at night. Walking, sitting and just moving hurts badly. Feeling is remotely close to a flu, but where would I get it? Head is heavy and anything cold/warm hurts my skin. I tried to do gentle stretch. Naaaaaah. Warm shower and epson salt bath didn't work. It's painful. Does anyone know of an ok painkiller?

I am very grateful for my no-hunger whatever. I am going to the family lunch/dinner. You know how they affect me. I am sick for days even if I watch everything closely and my cooks serving 90% compliant meals. I will try to get away with not eating, but drinking peppermint tea and smiling. Something tells me it's not going to work. Backup plan - I will drop by my parents (they live across the street from my aunt) and cook smth. Maybe just tuna/avo mash on some lettuce to bring with me. Thinking of cold food makes me shrug and cringe.

Maybe it will go away by tomorrow.

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oh honey! I'm sorry you are hurting. Was going to say sauna/steam room/hot tub alternating with cold showers but if the epsom salt bath didn't hurt, I'm not so sure. I think tylenol is the preferred pain killer? Otherwise, maybe try rubbing with arnica? that helps me...breathe and do what you need to do, even if you sneak back to your parent's house for a nap.  :)


feel better soon, ok?

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I think the best thing for you might be to just rest, rest, rest. It's OK to take some time off from things and let your body rest. As far as a safe pain killer I've read that you can make something with tumeric? I remember reading something on Food Babe I think. 

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Oh wow it is a virus. I was getting worse with every minute at the family gathering. The only thing I could eat was lettuce salad with avocado (i brought with me). Saddest meal ever, but kudos to auntie - whole lunch was 100% paleo...until later when kids started sneaking granola bars. Why would you keep a box of cookies and other crap within reach and available for kids' consumption?

Can't remember way home. Slept until 1pm. Staying in bed all day and drink tea with raspberries (mom gave me a basket of wild ones they picked up on the weekend). Muscle pain is debiliating but bearable at this point. Ill be better soon I am sure. Arnica is a good tip, I forgotabout this thing!

Made myself a coconut gelatine pudding and going to watch Star Wars. Was funny when the whole family cramed into the kids bathroom to check out the sw planetarium lamp I bought for the little one.

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Man it's a mystery one :blink: Just when I thought that my naughty body can't surprise me. Woke up totally fine. No muscle fatigue. It went away as it came - overnight but other stuff is showing up. 


I stayed in bed all day. Ate soup and a bit of chicken liver and berries. Lots of tea and broth. I felt weak and dizzy. My stomach was hurting like crazy, like I was trying to digest bricks to say the least. Very intense gas/bloating out of nowhere. No typical cold/flu stuff like runny nose, sore throat etc.However I have a giant sore cold popping on my lip (aaaa what to do? I know coconut oil and iodine. Smth else?) As soon as I got to work I started to itch like mad. I was off coffee since Sunday and had one today. Possible? 


I feel kind of fine and tempted to go to the silks class  :ph34r:  I won't do it just because I might be contagious. And smth tells me I need more rest. Stomach is upset and hurting, but that's nothing new.

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Cold sore - tea tree oil works wonders for me.


So sorry to here that you are under the weather.  Hope to hear that you are feeling better soon.


Yeah I would say rest.  But I know that is very hard for those who are restless.  Even when not feeling well.  (I'm related to a few)  But try to ease up and rest a little.

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Cold sore - tea tree oil works wonders for me.


So sorry to here that you are under the weather.  Hope to hear that you are feeling better soon.


Yeah I would say rest.  But I know that is very hard for those who are restless.  Even when not feeling well.  (I'm related to a few)  But try to ease up and rest a little.


Oh thanks! Just pure oil in a bottle? 


I know I know, I need to chill. + I still have 3 Star Wars movies to watch to complete my literacy on the subject :D


P.S Got tea tree oil in the bottle. Let's see :)

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Omg, I hope it helps, Carlaccini. This thing is growing  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


Random thoughts of the day:


1. I was good and went to contaminate yoga class instead of silks class. 

2. I can't be without moving any longer. I need to workout. I will do smth gentle today. Maybe just inversions challenge catch up. That's gonna hurt a bit. 

3. We are doing an OUTDOORS silks class on Saturday  :rolleyes:

4. Ballet is BACK starting Sunday.

5. I have been making a lot of pureed soups to get my broth in. I've noticed that my tummy digests them way better. That's obvious. I get full too quick. Favourites are cauliflower mushrooms and spinach,summer squash, broccoli with coconut cream and avocado.

6. I think hunger is back, which is kind of good. However, sometimes I can't differ it from just rumbling/discomfort in my tummy. 

7. Speaking of discomfort in my tummy. URGH. 

8. I crave chocolate, but I am taking magnesium. Where is the connection, God knows. 

9. I am buying a bike. I think. I've been a chicken about it for a long time. I can't even ride it, so I'll ride in circles around my building. Hehe.

10. Clean diet starts on Sun.

11. I am obsessed with this nail polish. Called Cashmere Bathrobe  :wub: Girls will be girls. 



That's it I guess.

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Laughing - that's a great photo of the nail polish - with a great name!  

You sound like a terrible sick person!  My favorite time being sick was when I was a-okay, but my dog was recovering from surgery.  I rented Planet of the Apes and curled up with her and watched episode after episode.  It was rather glorious.  I think the next time I get to be sick with someone, I'm going to look for Star Trek episodes.  These are crazy things - not my normal choices!!

Ballet, biking and yoga and silks classes - you do a LOT!  Hope you're feeling better soon.

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E or K, I am not that terriblE, I promise. Not perfect, but not terrible. Haha. Now confession, that's my scaled back version of "normal". Plus occasional workouts/dancing classes, minus biking...I just walk everywhere  ;) I have been inactive for several days and I am just bouncing off the walls. I need to do something. 


I forgot something big - I am going camping in two weeks. Tent and sleeping bag! First time ever, believe it or not. Now I am freaking out about food to take. Breakfasts and dinners are kind of settled in my head. I think I will take canned salmon, pre-cooked burgers, roasted portabello caps and pumpkin puree in a can. But what to take for hiking? I can't eat nuts. Jerky is my only option? Kind of sad. Especially taking into account the fact that I've never made it myself.  

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I am officially upset. Something happened to my leg and I have no idea why. Left hipflexor. From slight discomfort to severe pain if trying to do some activity. I went to the gym with my friend to do 50 knees to chest+50 toes to the bar aerial challenge thing. Nothing crazy. Warmed up, did my sets and by the end of last set (btw I can't get my toes to the bar, I am halfway there lol) I was feeling pain. Attempted to strech aaaand here came agony. Morning felt fine and went to the gym. Couldn't do anything there, not even extend my leg. Even plank hurts like aaaa. For the good or for the bad but it rains from the morning = circus photoshoot was cancelled. I feel that my weight just won't budge. Granted, I have not weighted/measured myself. i refuse. I am not going to lie, I am very upset by this fact still. Three weeks with no fruits, nuts, starches or cazy amount of fat/protein. I sleep ok. I dont stress more. I hate these guess games. Brrrr. Do you think that drinking lots of broth increases my daily intake significantly?

Btw - orange cauliflower and blueberry brussels sprouts are to dieeeeee for ;)

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Jerky is my only option? Kind of sad. Especially taking into account the fact that I've never made it myself.

Jerky is easy! If you have a dehydrator! Just slice your meat, marinate add spices and stick in the dehydrator. My hubby makes it all the time. Usually with soy sauce. Didn't get to eat his last batch. But saved some for my soy reintro.

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Jerky is easy! If you have a dehydrator! Just slice your meat, marinate add spices and stick in the dehydrator. My hubby makes it all the time. Usually with soy sauce. Didn't get to eat his last batch. But saved some for my soy reintro.


Can you have him try his next batch with coconut aminos instead? 

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Ok, hysteric is over. Very useless activity.

I went to ballet, because I couldn't bear to stay home. I wasn't doing big moves on the left side. I love my teacher, he showed me couple stretches and was standing there holding my hand (with devilish winks) while everyone was kicking legs high in the air. I missed my Sundays soooo bad. Heal heal heal leg.

Cold sore is healing too. Thank you Carlaccini, tea tree oil worked I guess :)

I've cooked skate for the first time in my life. So delicate and sweet. So cheap too! I got a pack of strips for 3$ per 1,5 lb from my fish market. Seared skate, salad with mango dressing (store bought but ingredients are 100% ok) and broth (added broccoli stalks and dried shiitake this time whoooa) for dinner. Making more of an orange cauliflower (I am hooked! Cover florets, carrots and onions with the mixture of squeezed lemon/orange juice + saffron + water (wine for original recipe) and simmer untill done. Reduce half of the juice for fancy sauce. Add fresh parsley/cilantro). Making chicken liver cranberry muffins (single serving meat things really).

Jerky, yes. I have dehydrator and there is an over recipe from Susan somewhere here. I was more concerned to have jerky as my only option :) Second Bethany with coconut amigos. Have you tried them? Priceless for kitchen sink stir fry.

Soaking a bit of nuts to try as an experiment. Maybe I can tolerate them, so I will be able to have good portable fats with me.

Have a good week all!

P.S my internal alarm clock malfunctioned and my bidy allowed me to sleep 12 hours both days. Outstanding! I want it everyday.

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It's mental help I need. I have absolutely no resources left to trust and believe, and wait, and let go. I hate that whatever is going on with me does not let me feel good, like myself or be active. I wake up 5 times per night. I can't stand these constant "how", "why" and "what to do" anymore. I can't help this feeling of doing it all wrong, not doing enough and being a complete failure. Maybe I am and then it's coming down to "how"/"why"/"what's next". 


You know that something is totally wrong when you beat yourself up for eating an apple. Or being terrified of being hungry and being more hungry because of that. Or when you cry in front of your co-workers because your belly is double the normal size after eating plain steamed fish with plain steamed chard. 


There. Emotional throw up here. I think I need a break from everything. Too bad you can't take a break from yourself. 

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