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The "Return of the Dirty Thirty" 12 January start date


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Hi all!

Jes and Tonya, sounds like y'all are doing great...so proud of y'all for towing the line and more!

Tulip, I know you are being very diligent in your quest. I do feel a sense of you holding back in your full devotion to the plan. I know that makes it sound cultish but but being true to every aspect is very important. I'm not sure how important it is to eat cooked vs raw veggies (mods may have something to say about that) so just eat them the way you like and don't stress about that part of it. Most people don't know that tomatoes are actually a fruit so I would go lighter on those and not rely on them as my sole veggie source. Most importantly it seems that you are not incorporating the fat aspect. I don't know how to link parts of the book here, maybe someone else can do that, but re-read the fat portion and what is allowable. I found that the more I held back on my fats the more bloated I felt. I don't go overboard but I add them to EVERY meal no matter what I cooked my food in. For example, half or whole avacado with my salad, mayo or NomNom Paleo's sunshine sauce on a burger (or any meat), etc. does that make any sense? I know it goes against every fiber of what you've been taught was 'right' but we were all taught wrong! You will feel better and more satisfied! I promise! Listen to the advice Meadow and the other mods have given and take it to heart. It may take some time so don't be too hard on yourself! Congratulations on your progress in your journey so far!

Dave, the weather here has cleared up and we are sunny and 46degrees. Car will be spit shined before tomorrow!

Miki, I can't believe you've found a Chinese place that will make your food to your specs! That's awesome! Wish I could find that. Also, I have a problem limiting my nuts also. I just stopped buying them and if I do buy them will get the single serving bag so it's self-limiting!

Meadow, as usual, your wit and advice is priceless and I enjoy all your little pics and comments! Thanks!

As for me, I'm going strong and hanging in. I think I've reached the all elusive Tiger Blood! I don't think I had this my other go rounds! Someone at work commented that I may have had a bit too much coffee on Friday when in fact I had only had one cup hours before! Yay energy! Also sleeping great and having really vivid dreams like you others have mentioned. Weird :;

I did learn on Monday however that my best doggie, Cooper, has lymphoma. He is a Golden Retriever and this apparently common in this breed. Trying to keep it in perspective as I know he is 'just a dog', but he has been a member of our family for 5 years. I am reminded of what Laurie and Steve are going through and that really puts it in perspective (so happy that he is in remission). So for that I'm thankful. It just makes me sad to know he won't be here much longer? My kids are sad and that makes it harder. We will forego any treatments but are changing his diet....ironically it's basically grain free, gluten free, additive free, so a Whole 30!!! Guess I'll just feed him some of my food minus the onions! Sigh!




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Ann - dogs are family members, too.   I believe all dogs go to heaven if they don't bite kids.  Cooper is beautiful.


The advice you gave to Tulip (tomatoes)....it's just a hunch but I'm thinking she just might benefit from the FODMAP protocol down the line.      You know how we're attracted to the foods we actually need the very least?    My hunch says this is why so many of the vegetables don't agree with her.    FODMAP. 






My trigger is heavy cream.   For some it's bread.   Others...it's dried fruits, nuts and fruits.

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Meadow, I was thinking it might have been you, but couldn't find in a quick scroll back. Yep my dad was a WD40 and duct tape aficionado, oh and baling twine. Got my fix-it-ness from him. Like a couple others on here who've had great losses recently, my dad passed away suddenly back in September. Still hard to talk/think about, but thankfully he went the way he wanted. quietly in his sleep. Everything has been turned upside down since. I feel this whole30 is going to affect me strongly emotionally. Well, enough of the sadness, got to get busy, picking up my grand kiddos in a couple of hours to spend the weekend with me. Been a while and we've all missed it. They've been asking their dad all morning when I'm coming...

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Good morning Dirties,


So much to catch up on with you all!  I turned the fatigue corner that hit earlier this week, trying to find the right rhythm of up at 5 (ala Hurricane) to get my workout in, cook breakfast, prep lunch, commute, work, commute, take care of animals, prep dinner, dishes, spend some time with my sweetie, in bed by 9.  It does feel like a marathon at times.  I think I was up too late a night or two and just sort of crashed.  I'm also working out more than I've been used to.  Today I feel GOOD again, ran 3.8 miles (whoop!) as the sun rose.  Now sipping green tea and the last of my bone broth.


This is household project weekend over here.  We are TACKLING clutter.  I am taking a truck load of recycling to the waste transfer station to clear space for the next truckload.  I have several bags of clothes for Goodwill.  I started sorting old clothes after my last Whole30 - found things that fit that I hadn't worn in years!  And got rid of the old and baggy and frumpy.  Clean slate.  Clean living.  I want to purge the excess and the unnecessary things and junk from all aspects of my life.


Jeslight:  it sounds like you are already feeling better.  Great that you felt good enough for a big workout yesterday!  Love up those starchy veggies, especially if you're working out a lot!


Meadow: those fly fishing photos from a couple days ago made me soooo want to go wet a line!  Gorgeous, beautiful, trout.  I hope to get some fishing time in later this spring.  I am excited to hear how your reunion goes.  Gotta love family!  I have two family weddings this summer and I'm looking forward to just feeling awesome, which raises my confidence and makes me much more outgoing.  My cousins and I are planning a little cousin camping reunion adjoining one of the weddings since it's in the mountains of central Oregon.  


Tonya:  you asked a couple days ago about tracking food.  I'm sort of the opposite;  I've tried tracking food here and there, even tried logging my meals for one of my Whole30's, but I always end up finding it too cumbersome.  I have really liked just learning and tweaking the meal templates.  It's starting to become pretty routine for me.  I eat a LOT of parsnips and I have sweet potatoes almost daily but in small quantities.  I try to always have one of the cruciferous veggies each day.  I try to have at least two different veggies dishes with each meal.  Right now it's the very end of the week and I just finished the very last of my sweet potatoes, so I'm going to have to start preppin' for the week ahead.


Dr Tracy, welcome back!  I am so impressed at your ability to keep on trucking with your Whole30s despite really trying situations.  Very impressive!  I remember when you were living in a hotel last summer and doing all the commuting.  So hard.  Your resolve is admirable!  Glad to have you join us!


Welcome, Cottage Queen!  I'm sorry to hear about your father, too.  A lot of loss on this board right now.  My MIL has terminal cancer so that is a big focus in my household right now, too.


GrannyD:  So, so sorry to hear about your dog.  I have been through similar experiences with my dogs, and no, they are not "just a dog."  They are loved, cherished companions and family members.  Give that dog a big ol' squeeze for me.  My first childhood dog was a Golden Retriever and she was a wonderful, much beloved and devoted family dog.


Off to the races.  Love to all!

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Tiddly Winks, twigs and berries, pinecones and dirt



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Posted 05 May 2014 - 01:24 PM

I am a few days ahead of most of you but also on my second Whole 30. @Donna, I drink SoBe water and it says it has no sugar and its alot less boring than regular water. I had a tremendous experience with my first Whole 30 and dropped 17 lbs, 5% body fat and two pant sizes. I was also very happy with my allergies going away, acid reflux going away, and the great sleep and energy I had. I will admit, I am a picky eater and I cant say that I spend any time trying to find sugar free bacon or make my ketchup from dirt and pine cones. My biggest issues were beer, alcohol, all thr breads, pizza, cake, cookies, chips, and ALL the rest of the garbage that I put in my mouth. My methods might not be accepted by the true Whole 30 "purists", but it worked for me and if I can give anyone like me a little hope that they can be successful, then thats fine with me. I lost 14 pounds from January to March (working out), and 17 with Whole 30 (no working out). I have 20 more to go to reach my goal of 51 pounds! I wont be stopped!




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Go ahead,  you've earned your braggin' rights.   Brag just a lil...Everyone.   Tell us about the good choices you're making.




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Posted 06 May 2014 - 06:51 PM

Geminimik - you got this! Take one day at a time and realize that it is ONLY for 30 days! That's where they trick you! You do the 30 days and then you realize that its not so bad after all and you decide to stay on it. You actually make the choice to eat healthier and are happier about it. I love junk food, but it seems that we have a love/hate relationship. Be good to yourself and you will be surprised at what you accomplish in 30 days! Don't mean to brag.......but......I am on the Success Story forum...........just sayin! I look forward to hearing about your everyday success!




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I just saw in a different thread that canned tuna has soy in it.  Sure enough I checked my new pack of tuna cans I got from Costco and there it is in the ingredients.  tuna in water contains soy.  the really good tuna in olive oil, yum, that one does not.  I'll check my favorite sardines now.  Even if you're buying fresh fish, I've noticed a lot of added ingredients when they are honest and diligent about reporting it.  Who knew?

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So much to catch up on here!


Yesterday I made the 8 hour drive to my husbands house in VA. I was able to find a couple compliant snacks along the way, but didn't plan the way I should have. I'm making hard boiled eggs for my trip back on Wednesday.


In an interesting turn of events, I'm doing much better on this Whole 30 since I got back from traveling. I always do better when I have more control of my choices. Also, I ran out of coconut milk this week and today was day 6 without coffee. I'm sleeping better than ever!


As some of you know, Rick is the chef in our family. He made a fabulous dinner of short ribs and parsnip puree tonight! Higs - I never had parsnips before!!  


I'll try to do a better job of staying caught up this week!

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thanks Tonya!  the other day at the supermarket someone even poked me as if to see if I'm real;  she started with "You look so good I didn't recognize you!"  


anyway:  anybody have a tried and true easy and beautiful thing I can make with rutabaga or any starchy carb?  nothing too sweet or mushy please?

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thanks Tonya!  the other day at the supermarket someone even poked me as if to see if I'm real;  she started with "You look so good I didn't recognize you!"  


anyway:  anybody have a tried and true easy and beautiful thing I can make with rutabaga or any starchy carb?  nothing too sweet or mushy please?

roast them, a little salt, toss in coconut oil or ghee, etc. There's just something about roasted root veggies...

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the grand kiddos are sleeping like babies... :D  Asked them what they wanted for supper, hamburgers or spaghetti. First they said hamburgers then changed to spaghetti. Told them I was using spaghetti squash. No remarks, so put the squash in the oven. 45 mins later Jericho is singing the I'm starving song and yuck to spaghetti squash idea. So, looked up freezing spaghetti squash, yep I can. Throw a few seasonings in the ground beef, pat out 3 patties and get them frying. Calista comes in and says she wants carrot soup and peas... ??? I'm not a short order cook kiddo we are having burgers, Calista, OK can I still have carrots. :D , cut up some rainbow carrots, sliced up some cuke, got a jar of my homemade mayo out of the fridge and grabbed a few seasonings and made some homemade ranch dip. Tell them I made some ranch dip. Jericho, suspiciously, can I try it? Yep, but just dip a carrot stick in before we put it on your plate. They loved it! :D  Scarfed it all down, Jericho wanted a second burger then black&blueberries for dessert. All whole30 compliant.  My heart is full. It has been a blessed day.

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Busy day today, busy day tomorrow.


I too was surprised by tuna. I've found a couple that are okay, smoked salmon too (watch for sugar).


I had a good day. Good workout, good eating, albeit a little too much fruit.


I had a great therapy session with my niece in the jacuzzi.


tomorrow is the gym, and the day with the boss, an amazing woman.


I continue to feel better and cleaner.


Wishing you all strength, determination and peace.




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GrannieD - sorry to hear about your dog's lymphoma.  Goldens are heart-breaking that way.  Lymphoma is one of the more treatable cancers if you do decide to try doing a cancer protocol.  Dogs don't get sick from chemo the way people do, so if you are having any thoughts about trying to beat the lymphoma, I would encourage you to not be scared to try.

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the grand kiddos are sleeping like babies... :D  Asked them what they wanted for supper, hamburgers or spaghetti. First they said hamburgers then changed to spaghetti. Told them I was using spaghetti squash. No remarks, so put the squash in the oven. 45 mins later Jericho is singing the I'm starving song and yuck to spaghetti squash idea. So, looked up freezing spaghetti squash, yep I can. Throw a few seasonings in the ground beef, pat out 3 patties and get them frying. Calista comes in and says she wants carrot soup and peas... ??? I'm not a short order cook kiddo we are having burgers, Calista, OK can I still have carrots. :D , cut up some rainbow carrots, sliced up some cuke, got a jar of my homemade mayo out of the fridge and grabbed a few seasonings and made some homemade ranch dip. Tell them I made some ranch dip. Jericho, suspiciously, can I try it? Yep, but just dip a carrot stick in before we put it on your plate. They loved it! :D  Scarfed it all down, Jericho wanted a second burger then black&blueberries for dessert. All whole30 compliant.  My heart is full. It has been a blessed day.

You are the Dancing Queen today with your littles.   Great Job!   I like your sparkle and food allure.   This song is for the Dancing Queen.


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The Dirty 30 are very attached to their four-legged family members. Don't underestimate the power of whole foods for your pets. Not sure what your time constraints are but my girlfriend's golden eats what they eat. salmon, kale, etc (their cat is not too onboard with the veggies - but there is a camouflage war being waged as we speak).


Was talking with my niece about our cruise. She is "doing her own thing" to get healthy, but at 54 I know this is the right thing for me. Meadow, you are my inspiration. I'm gonna get there baby.


Make it an amazing Sunday.


Dave, don't study too hard.


CC - You got a gem in your Rick.


Laurie, hope you and Steve are doing well.


Higs, haven't seem my goat nephews in a while. I'm missin me some Billy & Henry.


Meadow, I'm lookin for a Bear - what a cool name. Do you really call him that or is that just what you call him on here?


Cottage Queen - The spaghetti squash is sounding amazing. do you make your own sauce or find a compliant one? I'm trying to actually make one this time. I also throw some coconut milke and thai spices on it sometime...and last, but not least make it like stirfry...with garlic, ginger and some coconut aminos. Spag squash is so versatile and my one son actually loves it (they are 18 and 24, hopefully their tastes are maturing, right?).


Today will be a rough day out with the boss and dinner with a client. I will eat lunch before I go and will shoot for a steak and salad and roasted veggies with a waiter's nightmare of a list of things I can't and won't tolerate on my roasted veggies - Wish me luck.


The dreaming is amazing. I still can't figure out why the dreams are so intense. No food dreams for me...BUT AWESOME DREAMS nonetheless. It must be because we're getting more sound sleep, right?


Okay, wishing each and everyone of you a day that inspires, teaches, and promotes health and well-being.


So many new names, I still don't have your stories down, but I read your messages and everyone seems to be doing well - getting compliments and learning what a difference wholefood eating can make  in every aspect of our lives. It is no small feat considering the way the average soul eats, so pat yourselves on the back and know you are amazing.



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Miki - I had wild dreams many moons ago.   Bear is  for real.   I can't say why because there are too many fruits and nuts wandering around out in the sagebrush. They're on the loose from the Nut Hut.



 We googled ourselves and you can see us from space.  It really does give us the goose flesh.   Someone out there has a reply for that ranch dip.   


Love and kisses for your aunt.   Our service is tomorrow.

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Hey Everyone!

Still lurking about.


I'm trying to keep current on the posts. Lots of great ideas/sharing/info here.


I think my favorite thing about W30 is the fact that I try so many new foods/recipes.

So far my favorites this round have been:


Crock Pot Meatballs in Tomato Sauce

Garlicky-Smoky Cashews

Kalua Pig in a Slow Cooker


Also, I'm not a huge fan of cooked veggies - I mostly eat them raw when possible.

Any great ideas for raw veggies?

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Hey Everyone!

Still lurking about.


I'm trying to keep current on the posts. Lots of great ideas/sharing/info here.


I think my favorite thing about W30 is the fact that I try so many new foods/recipes.

So far my favorites this round have been:


Crock Pot Meatballs in Tomato Sauce

Garlicky-Smoky Cashews

Kalua Pig in a Slow Cooker


Also, I'm not a huge fan of cooked veggies - I mostly eat them raw when possible.

Any great ideas for raw veggies?


Sunshine sauce from Well Fed.  Love it with raw veggies!

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