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The "Return of the Dirty Thirty" 12 January start date


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Halfway!  What's everyone noticing? So far I'm noticing:


Looser pants

Easier time cooking

Total zonk out, though, when I forget to eat

Needing LOTS of water

Missing booze

Not missing cheese . . . WTF! Thought I would miss that most of all

Days seem long, long, long - and that is good!

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Thanks Meadow! Love it!


Miki and any one else. my ranch dip was more like "ranch" dip. Had a bit of a bite according to my grandson "with the purple carrots" silly boy. I didn't notice a bite, but it might have been the savory. I meant to use marjoram, but grabbed the wrong bottle. I just took some of my extra light olive oil mayo and added to taste, onion powder, garlic powder, dry mustard, paprika and because I didn't have any parsley and chives, put in a bit of savory and tarragon. It was an experiment, that is why I was happy the kiddos liked it. I have a tendency to do that with my cooking. Not true ranch in flavor, but sorta.


One thing I have noticed with this whole30 is my appetite has calmed down, I guess that is how I'd put it. I have always had quite the hearty appetite, find I am satisfied much quicker. I am only on day 5 for me, but already the good sleep has kicked in and feeling more energy. Don't remember having more vivid dreams or food dreams on my last one, but so far this one I did have a dream that I was eating a pimento cheese sandwich. Odd, because it isn't something I ate much of, but mom used to make it every so often when I was a kid. She made up her own pimento cheese spread.

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Hi Gang,


Meadow - may your services be uplifting and bring you all peace and fond memories.


GrannieD thank you for the recipes.


Spent the day with the boss. We drank bubbly water and herb tea. We didn't eat. We decided we would each eat on our own, which was perfect. Got home and kids asked me out for Mexican, I declined with a smile and gave them money, lots of successes.


Sadly, nothing feels looser.

Great Dreams.

Solid sleep.

less pain, but not gone.

More energy.


I think mayo may be a no brakes food for me. 


I think I'm way over on my fat and my serving sizes, so will work on that  this week. My other issue is night time eating. I am definitely eating healthier, which has to be good for me.


Nighty Night.

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GrannieD - sorry I missed your post about your beloved dog.  In my opinion, animals are a form of people.  They are our fury children and are members of our family.  Steve has gone through hell and back but I do understand the pain of an ill pet.  My cat, Samuel Ryan, died several years ago.  I'm sending my love to you and your family during this difficult time.  I currently have 2 feline children and they help me get through the tough times in life.


Welcome new people.  Hope you receive the support and encouragement from our group.


I posted that I ate too many pistachio nuts one day.  I thought I would give up the pistachios the next day but that did not work.  I ate them for 3 consecutive days.  Fortunately, they are gone so I can't eat what does not exist.


My new binge food is baby carrots. I have consumed one whole pound each day for about 4 or 5 days.  This behavior must stop.  I know it's not terrible - there is even a blog post about it.  Since my main goal of the Whole 30 was always to improve my relationship with food, I must give up the carrots (unless they are in a mix with veggies). There was a time in my life when I was eating disordered and the only foods  I would eat all day long were carrots and apples, and then I would eat a normal dinner.  I also ate too many  carrots on a few of my early Whole 30's. 


When I'm stressed, I think about eating fruit but so far I have avoided fruit.  Hopefully, I can continue because fruit is not my friend, just as nuts are not my friend.  Both are stomach irritants and foods with no brakes.


The only change I am noticing is that my stomach is better and I feel less compulsive without the fruit.  One bite of fruit turns into several servings of fruit. I am very grateful for this change.


Regarding Steve, his blood counts have improved a little.  At least, the numbers are going in the right direction.  One of the biggest issues is that he is tired all the time. Steve is only 5 months out from his stem cell transplant so exhaustion is to be expected.


Hope everyone has a great third week!

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Wow, week 3 - I can't believe we are at the half-way point.  It's seems like I've been doing this forever, but not in a bad way.  Just in a way that I feel natural and good and it doesn't seem as hard as I expected it was going to be.  Things I have noticed:

stomach is smaller and doesn't hurt all the time

eczema on my scalp is almost gone

flaky skin on my face is almost gone

more energy

much less pain in my knees, and less fluid/swelling

Someone told me the other day that I looked very serene and happy

better sleep (though this is recently effected by my two dogs and cat - the cat has started meowing at 4 am for his breakfast, which wakes up the dogs and they think they need to go out...we are working hard to get back on a normal schedule)

No cravings!!!

I'm enjoying the process of food prep, and like having the extra few minutes in the mornings because I've prepped lunches on Sundays. 


I can't think of anything else, but I'm sure there's more. 


Happy Week 3!

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Dirty Birds! Sorry to keep everyone hanging.......been a little busy with school work! Ok, welcome to the newbies, find a seat, and join the dialogue! We are done with week 2, moving into week three and will finish this week (day 21) which is the magical day of breaking any addictions! SO.......now is not the time to whine, complain, gripe, moan, bitch, or bellyache! YOU ARE WINNING THE FIGHT! For those that are not feeling good, please listen to the advice of those that have been down this path before (and moderators of course) and make sure you check to see that you are eating everything that you should......fats.....veggies....yada yada yada!


Took my oldest back to college on Sunday, raked leaves, worked on my Jeep, worked on the riding mower, cleaned both of the boats (not sure why, its still winter), brought in a bunch of fire wood, straightened the house a little, cooked dinner, did some homework, and slept like a baby! Had a good day at work and back to the homework!


Lauire - Steve sounds like he is milking this sickness thing......tell him to start clowning around and get to work! Make him do pushups or something! HaHa....keep him well!



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Hi My Little Dirty Goats,


So glad we're starting another week of whole eating. I too find it a nice way to live. Laurie, I too came here to improve my relationship with food but find myself falling into the same old ruts. I'm really going to focus on the meals and template. I think that is key for us. I believe at this point it is just a habit (because we eat such good food) so we must be in charge and just say no). Make another cup of tea etc. and I HAVE to stop the bed eating. I've been allowing myself my last meal between 8 & 9, in bed. I think I need to start setting a placemat, lighting a candle, turning on the music and making it an event, rather than a sloppy reward for a hard days work.


I'm going to a dinner party on Friday and my boss said, just bring your own food, it will be fine. Last night for my boss I made swordfish, shrimp, roasted sweet potato and spinach. She loved it (cooked in ghee). So simple and she said, well...NOW you've gone off your eating plan because of me and I said, no, this is whole 30 to which a heavy silence fell over the room.


Meadow darling, I miss you. I will have much more time to enjoy your wisdom next week. CC...you must be swamped, as usual. Dave I know you're swamped. We'll just keep doing our best.


I guess I'll have to go on a date to liven things up.




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(though this is recently effected by my two dogs and cat - the cat has started meowing at 4 am for his breakfast, which wakes up the dogs and they think they need to go out...we are working hard to get back on a normal schedule)!

Haha, this used to happen at my house. It took about a week but our dog learned that if she whines or stands on the bed pawing at us, she'll find herself out in the hallway before she can finish her thought. My husband initially thought I was being SO mean...but now we enjoy uninterrupted sleep even with our snuggle monster in the room. ;)

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For ordinary sins, use - White Bread

For exotic sins - French Bread

For particularly naughty sins - Pumpernickel

For complex sins - Multi-grain

For twisted sins - Pretzels

For tasteless sins - Rice Cakes

For sins of indecision - Waffles

For being sulky - Sourdough

For silliness - Nut Bread

For telling bad jokes - Corn Bread

For snobbery - Upper Crusts

For pride - Puff Pastry

For cheating - Bread made with Nutrasweet and Olestra

For being snappish - Ginger Bread

For dropping in without calling beforehand - Popovers

For trying to improve everyone within sight -Angel Food Cake

For being up-tight and irritable - High Fiber or Bran Muffins

For recurring slip ups - Banana Bread

For singing off tune - Flat Bread

For impetuosity - Quick Bread


Remember, you don't have to show your crumbs to anyone.


But we don't have to worry about any of these bread crumbs in or out of the sheets... because fish and ghee are what the WD30 crowd prefers.    


Bread is not good for the ducks, either.


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Good morning, Dirties.  I am home today with a sore throat and congestion (waaah waaah…) which is another way of saying I can catch up on posts!  And sleep!  I slept 12 hours last night.  Needless to say I didn't do my run this morning but that's OK since I am also nursing a sore piriformis (too much yard work this weekend).  Well!  This is sort of typical for me:  I go, go, go and start getting a good routine but it is more than what my body wants -- my body says, "hey man, a rest day or two wouldn't be a bad thing!"  I have to back off a bit, then ease back on to the accelerator more slowly.


And I tell myself:  one day home sick isn't going to wreck my 5k and 10k plans and won't mean I'll have to start all over.  Ease up!  (Anyone else go through this?)


I am sad to be out of bone broth so that might be on the agenda for today.


I could stream "Game of Thrones" all day too.




Hope everyone is continuing to rock this thing.  I am on Day 23 over here.  It is crazy foggy where I live this week, super thick dense murk.  The trees look like a forest of ghosts.  It is actually really beautiful.


MAKE it a great day, Team Dirty!

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Bone broth, definitely bone broth....Higs.


I've been reading up on what Bone Broth does for the joints, skin, hair and nails.   I think it is the fountain of youth.    Then there are the stomach healing benefits.   Bone broth is what our elders used to make but alas, it too was lost at the mini marts and fast food eateries.   Old things become new again.   Pretty soon, I bet a very popular coffee place will start selling it.  coffee.gif    I can just see it, they'll jump on the bandwagon.    I wonder what they'll add to it though.....sugar and so forth.   Maybe it will be coffee and bone broth together, like red eye gravy.   coffee2.gif

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Meadow, this quote is from a Washington Post article about bone broth:


A “broth bar” called Brodo opened in New York’s East Village this month. Instead of sipping a sugared pumpkin spice latte, New Yorkers can stop by for a cup of nourishing, warming, delicious broth. With the prevalence of chronic disease, wouldn’t it be great if the broth bar became the new Starbucks and broth the new latte? We’d all be a lot healthier. In the meantime, I’ll keep making my own, and smiling as we all wipe away our broth mustaches.

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HI everyone!  We are officially snowed in!   I used yesterday afternoon to grill and cook.  I even made an all starches soup!  But seriously the carb curve in the book tells me to stay at 25 grams or less which is basically a slice of potato.  I am enjoying a kale salad to my surprise and I found that I like collard greens a lot.  I have to a ways to get some though!  My local supermarket thought I was nuts when I asked about rutabaga.  I bought some other turnipey things instead.  


So I'm on day 27.  I might go just a big longer.  Or I might not.  Not sure yet.  


Question:  are grains like corn or wild rice inherently bad for you?  Or chick peas and legumes?  Are these inflammatory foods?


There's certain things I just don't have, like milk and gluten, and I won't reintroduce them.... But I'm trying to figure out where to go with this long term.  Any advice from people who have done this before?


Also has anybody ever seen sliced smoked salmon anywhere that does not have sugar in it???


I want to share how I was feeling:  I briefly was teased by very deep and great sleep;  I wasn't even expecting this.  I am able to survive for many hours after food without having low blood sugar symptoms or get sugar spikes.  I can suck in my gut and tuck in my butt and I look almost 10pounds thinner.  I can survive without cheese!  


I usually have a lot of geese and ducks and foxes in my backyard;  I wonder where they are during the storm???


Take care lovelies!

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Question:  are grains like corn or wild rice inherently bad for you?  Or chick peas and legumes?  Are these inflammatory foods?


Tulip - I suggest a very, slow reintroduction phase.  You can find your answers that are tailor made just for your body chemistry.  You will know how to proceed and you won't be left dancing in the dark where foods are concerned.

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