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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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New plan. Peeling was tedius. So I googled. Hannah from Kombucha Kamp said...for mylar double lables, fill bottle with hot tap water. Dont get the label wet. Put the top back on and let it sit for 3 minutes. Start at the seam and peel both layers off. If they try to separate, slap it shut again and start again. The entire label peels off in one piece. Goo gone still needed to remove the glue. Took me ten minutes to remove ten labels. :)

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Brilliant! Mine were peeling off pretty good tho. I will remember for more stubborn bottles. However I am glad I had a bit of more time to spend, because I am going nuts with tea here. I suspect that eating a giant lamb chop won't be such a good idea AFTER but it's all I can think about :)))))

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Oh I think lamb is in order. I think I had some stewpid protein bar. This was a couple years ago.

I think mine are tough labels because they have been through the dishwasher once or more times.

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Colonoscopy mission compete. Susan, I know what you mean by twilight meds now. Best nap ever.

It's not an ulcer and not a Crohn's, so HOORAY! More results of byopsy next week. They have no clue what is wrong with me they said. We've outruled pretty much everything. What an idiotism.

Now I go and eat a giant lamb chop with pesto and pass out.

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So happy you had a good outcome. I actually didn't nap but I was in suspended animation. I watched the tv screen. It was actually very cool. My colin was lovely and pink. I think I said "Incredible journey" no fewer than ten times. Ugh.

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Strange day. Though I am happy that I don't have major health condition, I am pissed that no one can't figure out the source of my pains. Two years people, almost two years.

Good stuff: took a long nap today. Went to flexibility class. Spent afternoon with the friend in our favourite comic book store coffee shop sipping mint tea while my friend was having best coffee in the city. Went to yoga later. I am doing lots of stretching lately, feels great.


Bad stuff: very upset to write this, but eating honey seemed to give my body an idea that we are using glucose as a source of energy again. I ate so much fruit today...banana and strawberries, and blackberries, and cherries and two apricots. I was just grazing and grazing and somehow switched to handfulls of nuts. Blah. Why on Earth I would eat this stupid stomach glue. I will pay for this tomorrow. My skin is sooo inflamed still and it will get worse because of nuts. I partialy blame hormones because I don't have period. Still. Stupid BC.

Awesome stuff: I bottled my second batch of booch and have some cool flavors. I even labeled them. Thank God I will never be doing Pinterest. Because it's a shortest way to feel that my both hands are left ones. I can't ever cut out a label straight. Do these people have 36 hours a day? Anyway, my proud second batch. I think apricot-saffron, cherry-vanilla and cucumber-mint are going to be kick ass.


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Well, dang those elusive pains. Maybe your ten day AIP will shed some light. Keep drinking that booch...it has mystical healing powers dontcha know.

I have 8 sparkly unlabeled bottles. :) I am MUCH worse at crafts than you. I looked at labeling ideas on Pinterest and it made me mad. I will use my lazer printer me thinks.

I bought two baby coconuts and hacked at them with my meat cleaver. I ended up with over 3 cups of coconut water. I did coconut mango, coconut pomegranite, and coconut water melon ginger.

I wish I liked the pulp from the baby coconuts but I dont. People say its like pudding. I think its like white slime. My daughter came over and snagged a rack of slow cooked babybacks, kale salad and the coconut slime. :0)

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I bought two baby coconuts and hacked at them with my meat cleaver. I ended up with over 3 cups of coconut water. I did coconut mango, coconut pomegranite, and coconut water melon ginger.

Pinterest is evil, don't go there. Well only if you want to feel useless :D I just printed jar labels, cut and stick to the bottle. 10 minutes. I am going to the dollar store, buying a pack of gift tags and tie them to the bottleneck next time. Helluva easier.

Pomegranate sounds awesome, let me know how it will taste like. How much coconut water do you add per bottle? Question - two scobys + summer could have made the fermentation faster? It was like sour after 5 days and I've bottled it. I separated baby scoby and keep it in the fridge. I also have about 2 cups of sweet tea left. Can I do a mini batch you think? Third question - how long do you keep flavored stuff for a second fermentation? I read some people keep it for a week. I am just wondering if I am too impatient and am drinking tons of sugar.

White slime is the best part :o Next time you can puree it and use for curry! Or feed to Jess (that's her name, right?). Is she paleo too or she eats whatever platelickers you make?

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Glad you don't have an ulcer or Crohn's, but sorry you are still frustrated and in pain. Twilight sedation does rock, though. I hope you get some answers soon. Hooray for stretching!

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Yes, Derval taught me about Pinterest. Evil place to hang out. I do have some outdoor furniture that needs a good spray paint job to bring back to life..I may take a look at P to see...or I may just ask the guys at the hardware store.

I used about 20% coconut water and fruit or puree per bottle. I'll let you know what the outcome is.

Yes, two SCOBYs and heat could = vinegar. First...get the baby out of the fridge. You need to make a SCOBY Hotel. Pull up that document and go to the table of content and just click on that page number and it will take you right to that page. Basically I think you just put it in a pyrex dish with some of your kombucha liquid and stick a lid on it and put it in a dark cupboard.

I do continuous brew so if I have a couple of cups of sweet tea, I save it and add it to my vessel when I need it. I think you could make a mini batch.

I let my second ferment sit for 3-4 days because I am going for the fizz. Then I strain it into the bottles (I dont like floating fruit) and stick it in the fridge.

I bought a roll of freezer labels for my bottles. Not cute but at least I know whats in each bottle. I like the gift tag even for my own consumption. No more label residue. :)

Jess definitely eats my plate lickers happily. She is partial paleo. She stays away from gluten, dairy, soy and sugar but eats horrid gluten free snacks and cereals. I keep my mouth shut. When she lived here, I always cooked a lamb sausage patty and one over easy egg for her but now she has her own awesome apt so who knows what she starts her day off with. Sigh.

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Your bottles look beautiful! I think a teeny bit of crookedness adds homemade charm. But I don't see it anyway.

Very inspiring! I want to taste them and have the satisfaction of making it, as well. Maybe I'll get into the in the summer. Right now I want to make some pickles and pickled veg.


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Thanks Beets ^_^ You should totally do it. I think kids will love it too as they are fearless gardeners already. Little home project.

Have you ever done it before? I've pickled cucumbers, carrots and kraut so far.

My granny is the queen of home cannery and has a giant cellar in her country house. Once when it was time to leave to the city with parents I decided that if I hide there no one will notice and i'll get to stay with Grams. I remember my disappointment that the apples stored there were all sour. I had to open a jar of pickled cucumbers and eat them. I was found after 5 hours sleeping with the jar of pickles and a pile of bitten apples.

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One more health vent. Not only my tummy refuses to work properly. I have problems with my period. Little recap. Low fat dieting - no period for 6 months - hormone invasion to get them started - BC pill that didn't improve cycle - BC pill with higher hormone dose that didn't improve cycle - my decision to stop infusing myself with synthetic hormones - no periods ever since.

I went to see lady's doctor again today. She doesn't know what's up with me either. My thyroid is fine. My PAP's and ultrasound is fine, it's not a PCOS. Her solution - another hormones course.

She made me step on a scale with bf measurement option. She thinks 18% is too low. I think it's not. I know what skinny is and I am far from it. Nor I aim for it, I am over it forever. I feel so good where I am at. I also think that I don't know a method of gaining fat evenly.

Blood work showed very low estrogen. Great. Read a bit about it. It explains my always cold feet and hands, dry skin on arms and legs and some other stuff. Most important it explained my fight with "getting full" and appetite. When estrogen is low body thinks it's not being fed and gets hungry. Low estrogen impares metabolism. Basically my body thinks that menopause is around the corner. Or it thinks that my bf is insufficient to carry a baby. Other most common reasons are stress and too much activity, because adrenals produce estrogen too. I am more calm and happy than ever. I do not think that I am too active at all. All the recommendations include change of lifestyle like healthy diet (done), quitting smoking (done) and limiting alcohol/caffeine (done).One little article had a mention of autoimmunity. Could this really be the answer? AIP10 tomorrow.

I am completely lost. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and find a penis beard growing :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Your booch bottles look beautiful! The bottles I have been saving have really narrow openings like soda pop bottles, might have to do flavoring in mason jars and then transfer. I finally bought a jar for my booch brewing but have not found an appropriate place to let it sit yet. Baby steps. I almost bought one with a spigot for continuous brew but I want to try it first.

I hope you figure out what is going on with your body and feel better soon. You are taking all the right steps forward.

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This is why I've turned to functional medicine. Very frustrating.

Low body fat percentage, as much as you don't want to hear it, does sound like a probable culprit. Whether or not you want to increase that is obviously your decision. My guess is the AIP protocol including low FODMAPs and increase in starchy veg might help hormonal and gut problems.

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I can't begin to offer any suggestions or advice but my heart goes out to you in your frustration and confusion. Your healing path is steep and rocky but you have the best gear and support and you will reach a place that levels out.

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Blood work showed very low estrogen. Great. Read a bit about it. It explains my always cold feet and hands, dry skin on arms and legs and some other stuff. Most important it explained my fight with "getting full" and appetite. When estrogen is low body thinks it's not being fed and gets hungry. Low estrogen impares metabolism. Basically my body thinks that menopause is around the corner. Or it thinks that my bf is insufficient to carry a baby. Other most common reasons are stress and too much activity, because adrenals produce estrogen too. I am more calm and happy than ever. I do not think that I am too active at all. All the recommendations include change of lifestyle like healthy diet (done), quitting smoking (done) and limiting alcohol/caffeine (done).One little article had a mention of autoimmunity. Could this really be the answer? AIP10 tomorrow.

I am completely lost. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and find a penis beard growing :angry: :angry: :angry:

a) I'm surprised that you're 18% body fat. I actually think you look leaner than that. If that's accurate (how did she measure, do you know?) your bf is probably not too low.14-20% is a solid range for an athlete (or dancer!). Amenorrhea doesn't usually kick in until you get below that.

B) messed up hormones could definitely be a root cause here. are you checking in with a naturopath/functional medicine doc? or are you going to a normal medicine guy? even with your perfect diet and lifestyle, long term hormone stuff can be a BITCH to resolve. it's likely going to require some propping up with supplement intervention.

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even with your perfect diet and lifestyle, long term hormone stuff can be a BITCH to resolve. it's likely going to require some propping up with supplement intervention.

Thanks for dropping a line! Yes, I am complaining again here.

B-smile is here too! Haha. Just regular scales, I've never measured my bf by machine, caliper or what else is used. I know scales are inaccurate, but I never knew which direction + or - they tend to go. I go to the regular doctor. I am not sure that functional doctors even exist here as we don't have private medical practice only free public health thing. I have to research.

Upd. They do exist here. I have to find out if my corporate plan is covering any of these. I think not.

I had a choice to take a course of 7 days hormone kick or get back on a pill. I took a week prescription. Brrrrrrrr.

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Hmm. Yeah I agree that hormones prob take longer to sort themselves. Way back in the beginning of my long, zig zagging route to health I read a book called The Schwartzbein Principle. The writer pays a lot of attention to hormones and how we get them out of whack, and how to fix it with whole foods, fat.

I don't think it would give you any new info, but I vaguely remember her saying it takes awhile to heal this stuff--which you prob know already!

I am sorry the doctor gave you a standard (read: pharmaceutical) response. It is infuriating and frustrating.

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