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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Oh hell yea, ironically enough template is my most frequent craving. Delayed gratification...mmmight throw me into food reward trap. I will see, I am sure that I want this more to test out the new gadget than craving a bowl of sweet treat. I see how it goes, I might make a batch, have a bowl and give the rest to my Dad as I am going to visit him on tomorrow.  


Movement is blessing. So is sweat. I know how much it hurts to be limited, but I've learned (the reckless silly way) that impatience will make things much worse. You are wise girl and figured that you have to mend completely. You are so much more patient and consistent with the stretching exercises.


While we are on the subject, question for Mary, do you have a good sequence for foam rolling?


Carla, thanks! Weather was gorgeous and Montreal is hospitable per usual. If I lived there I would have really hard times to be semi-compliant, let alone doing whole 30 I think. Bread and cheese everywhere. Also, I went to a couple "health" stores and was baffled how much higher the prices are. Kudos for pulling this off. Lake escape sounds amazing, tummy troubles not so much. Hopefully it takes less and less time to heal every time slip offs happen. Hugs back! 




12 pm. Meal 2 was not nearly enough of protein or fats. 3 ozish same deli turkey and tomatoes. Large bowl of cherries.


M2.2 No wonder I was ravenous  by 3pm. However, my stomach has been so upset after every meal after I got back. It is such a shame that loads of starch were fine, but other veggies are upsetting my digestive system so so badly. I am also suspecting avocado is doing this to me. So in this strange situation of having tender tummy and hunger at the same time I drank a bottle of kombucha and ate two handfuls of almonds I had at my desk drawer. Powering through couple more hours and running home to make dinner. Thank God I have only raw meat there, otherwise it could be a tragic meat binge :D 

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M3 last night. Two sausages and a pile of steamed veggies. Slices of avocado. Sure thing I made ice-cream. Cherry chocolate chip and mango. Cherry chocolate chip was a complicated recipe from the spunky coconut book you've probably seen everywhere on the internet. Seriously? I am not impressed. It was sweetened with dates and with added homemade almond milk and gelatin. Also I've added way too many choc chips and way too little cherries (pitting them without snaking on them, how?). Three spoonfuls and I did not want more. Honestly I think I will toss it in the trash. Old me would probably inhale the entire quart. Mango ice-cream has coconut milk, gelatin and, well, mango in it. Amazingly good - sour/sweet and creamy heaven. Licked container clean and that was it, not even half a bowl. Probably because I ate a lot of mango while peeling them :D


M1. Coffee, veal patty and a giant ripe tomato on my renewed balcony. I have a grass flooring there and a sweet furniture. Such a great way to start the day. I was still hungry, so I had 1/2 sausage. 


Nausea all day long. Tummy aches. So disgusting. Time to defrost my broth I think...


M2. It was 2 pm that I still felt gross. I drank a bottle of booch and it seemed to help. Veal patty, steamed spinach and roasted squash. Several avocado cubes. Two spoonfuls of mango ice-cream. Note to self: when I eat my lunch deconstructed (whole tomato, whole cucumber etc) and at my desk I eat WAY more. Felt satisfied after having this meal outdoors in the park. 


Nausea. Wtf. 


M3.1 Pre WO 1/2 sausage if I can stomach anything. Strength class. Tension deadlift and ring pull ups day. So pumped about it. Also fun metcon part with kb swings. I grew to love them a lot. 


M3.2 Post WO. Squash? Chicken sausage? Fresh mango pieces? 



UPD. Pre WO - 1/3 veal patty. Can't eat. WO. Tension deadlift is so effing hard - no regripping for the set. Ring pull ups are ring pull ups - hell. I felt so nauseous. I swore I was about to throw up by the end of met con. Sorry TMI. 


But you know what? Feeling strong and capable is the best feeling in the world. Sweating a ton, biking home still dripping to bite into a ripe cold mango, right by the fridge - pure happiness, pure joy.



Bike ride by my fav lake trail (20km).


M4 is at mercy of J's fridge. I hope he has grilled stuff. If not I have post wo snack in my bag - 1/2 sausage and squash. Boom, sorted. 

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You always seem to find and savor the bliss amid all the unpleasantness. That's a wonderful gift!

I was thinking "bone broth" right before you brought it up! And hey, if starchy veggies are good to your tummy, why not put them on serious rotation for a while? Calm that tummy.

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What else can I do, my silly tummy does not want to work. Starch is ok for a bit, but I can't break it down properly, so I have to be super careful with the amount.


M1.1 Woke up "pregnant". Pre wo. 1/2 sausage and 2 spoons of greek yogurt because hungggggry.


Bike ride 20 km. Uphill!


M1.2 small sweet potato, veal patty, cherry tomatoes. Small serving of slaw with some salad topper.


M2. 2 chicken sausages, steamed cauliflower, cherry tomatoes and cabbage. Random veggies. One slice of avocado. I feel so stuffed and dizzy again.  




M3.1 Pre WO bits of veal?


WO. Overhead squats and sprintervals as a finisher. I am suuuuper uncomfortable with ohs. I feel out of balance the minute I add weight on the bar. We have been working on this movement a lot lately, I like that. Also - working out is the only thing that seem to improve how my stomach feels. 


M3.2 Something. Maybe a sweet potato or some fruit. Protein is a toughie.


M4. Maybe at my Dad's (then throw in another bike ride for 25 k or so). Maybe out. TBD.   


I am going to the silks class tomorrow. WOOOOOT. 

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Yay for silks!  


I'm just putting in a thought here - I have recently just came to the conclusion that avocadoes really mess up my diggestive tract - I feel really bloated and I have that pregnant feeling.  Super uncomfortable.  I know you love avos but maybe worth eliminating for a few days?  See if things improve?  I couldn't help but notice that you report feeling off after M2 - which is after you included avo in your meal.  It's a long shot I know.


Oh yes Nadia - cheese and bread everywhere - especially everywhere as my hubbys family is italian.....Lucky for me that my reaction to dairy is so painful (and long) that on average I am not tempted by it. Usually if I am tempted by it, it's usually in some form of dessert. :ph34r:


Oh yes the overpriced health stores.  I have one nearby where I buy most of the specialty items that I have hard time finding anywhere else.  If meat/fish is on sale I will generally buy it there too. But I'm not spending $15.00 on a 3/4 lb of "organic" ground beef  (It's not even grassfed!!).  I'm just not. We have our farmer for that.  Supplemented by Costco or Local Butcher.  Lucky for us too that we also have an outside fruit/vegetable market nearby that carries a lot of local produce.  Quebec is big on supporting local - so I'm pretty happy about that.  Basically you learn to hunt and peck around a lot.

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Carla, you live near Atwater or am I wrong? Anywho, local shopping becomes super trendy which puts pressure on my wallet, but makes me happy that people support neighbors.

Upd. Veal patty pre workout. Intense and fun workout. I had to drop the bar from over head because I was too ambitious with the weight. It was so funny, I felt like a meathead dude from the old school gym. Sprintervals on the curve are so cool, I hate running with all my heart and I can never make myself do sprints, but this machine is actually fun. We did a ladder - round1 0,2 round2 0,3 round3 0,4 etc. As long as you can go. At 0,9 my legs were numb and I gave up. Good effort still!

Post wo green banana and a protein bar. I had to eat something but I was stuck at the gym getting ready for a party I was going after. This one does not tear my gut, so I am in peace with my choice.

Meal 4. Giant salad with cuces, tomato, egg and tuna. It came with gf bread and butter which I ate too. Can't say I regret it or feeling guilty which majorly outweighs potential harm to my body.

Party at the backyard. I brought kombucha with me and was a hippie in disguise with my red cup. J stomach is upset for an entire week, but he tells me to hold my eastern european herbal medicine crap for myself, so i am not trying to help. He is a grown up. Biked home early (1am is early for him) and it was intense. I have 3speed he has a fixie/zero patience/mad legs. Rock hard mango bites after. Bed time.


Sore knees. I am suspecting I have troubles with form. Need to address that. Also upset stomach.

Meal1. Cappuccino with home made almond milk from a coffee shop. Three hard boiled eggs, tomato and a bit of an avocado. Carla, you might be right about the avo, I am just in denial, it's my fav fat. 


20 k bike ride.


Meal 2. Pork pear and blue cheese sausages. Good Lord, its a party in my mouth. Squash and spinach on the side. Fresh radishes.  


Too heavy of a meal 1 hour before the class, but the class was awesome! Grip is lost but not by much and I was doing great. I feel how much stronger I am after only 4 months since I started lifting. Arms are numb but I am happy.


Farmers' market on my way home. Scallop squashes, heirloom carrots, asparagus and rainbow beets. One apricot post wo obv.


Meal 3. Big salad with beets, greens and one more pork sausage. MMMM.


Party did not happen. I biked to The Beaches to see my friend (brought apricots from the market). She had figs and blackberries. Nibbled on all of that while catching up with her. I felt mild anxiety but brushed it off, yes it's not the template, but I can deal with this. Biked back and del hungry. I was torn between - it's too late to eat, go to bed and eat because your body wants to. I decided on the latter and eaten a small roasted beet, 1/4 sausage and 1 chocolate square (early birthday gift from my aerial teacher and a company started by two of her students, super fancy raw organic insert any possible cray ingredient (raw heirloom cacao paste anyone?). I got a sore tummy in the morning.  

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Sore knees. I am suspecting I have troubles with form. Need to address that. Also upset stomach.


Nadia- how is your bike fitting you? I had knee troubles a few years back because it turns out my seat was too far forward. Foam rolling quads and set-back seat post saved me. A good bike shop will look at this for you.


also SILKS!!!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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Nadia- how is your bike fitting you? I had knee troubles a few years back because it turns out my seat was too far forward. Foam rolling quads and set-back seat post saved me. A good bike shop will look at this for you.


also SILKS!!!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:


Okay, this is something to look at as my chiro has mentioned bike seat too! Collective mind = power. 

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Today's plan. 


M1. Last pork pear blue cheese sausage (heartbreaking) with beets, carrots and strawberries. So weird and good. 1/3 banana with almond butter drizzle. I am amazed how I finally feel this "I am good, that's enough" thing. I used to go back to the fridge and scoop/nibble on something else. Just because. I haven't been struggling with it for a while now and I want to acknowledge that. 


Museum and a crazy bike ride to my parent's. Mom is back from her trip yay. 


M2 and M3 at my parents. Grilled salmon as per conversation with Dad. It is not a challenge at all since they kept eating paleo/primal since my forceful switch. Heavy cream and homemade sourdough are probably the only two things they eat "off plan". Good for them. My only concert is the balance of their macros and the amount of food. Dad claims to be full after 2 eggs for breakfast. He works on feet the entire day, has tiny lunch of meat veggies and then a bigger dinner. Mom lives off fruits sometimes. Baby steps...


Another gorgeous day here. Hope it's sunny where you are all. 

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I was stuck doing chores before making it to my parents. I was starving and unprepared. I have chosen best of the worst. I bought a serving of greek yogurt in a Greek Bakery (trays of amazing homemade bakhlava around) it was organic but low fat. I opened it and it was so gross. I could not believe that I used to live off it. I could not down another lick. It went to trash right away. I made a loop on my bike and I was rewarded. Grilled M2. chicken skewers and greek salad sans feta. Homemade Greek food for pennies.

M3. Mini meal of chicken drumstick and broccoli.

M4. Salmon steak, green salad and roasted cauliflower at my parents. Papaya and one bite of indian dessert my aunt brough. It was so sweet, I thought I will black out. Skipped halva, bakhlava spread, almond cookies and other sweets. Best part - no willpower needed. It is new and unusual, and very very exciting. I felt very satisfied and did not want these things. Good times.

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M1. Salmon steak + roasted cauliflower.

Biked 25 km Downhill mostly, so fun times. Banana post.

M2. Turkey sausages (hard to tell the amount, they were cut up) + slaw with currant dressing/bit of avocado. Slight nausea.

Walk + sparkling water.

M3. Sausage bites. More cauliflower. I'll eat it all as it is not giving me troubles today :) i felt slightly sick and then coordinated that all that nausea was happening when I was eating sausages from the same store. No more shopping there.

Bike ride 18km to J's house.

M4. J made dinner. Chicken thigh stuffed with pesto/sundried tomato wrapped in bacon and smoked. Simple green salad. I have also ate a sweet corn cob. I know I know I know. Corn is terrible for me. It is tastes so yummy fresh and locally grown. August is the season. No illusions here regardless.


Then we walked to a small family owned ice-cream shop. I got a scoop. It was not worth it - swelling in my legs/hands and breakouts right away. Bright side - J thinks that my food craziness is mostly imaginary. Well, here you go, see that? Touche`.  

I find that 4 meals is working best for me. Also I have been sleeping better and generally feeling better. Must be carbs, I am eating way more of them now, mostly after activity and it pays off I guess. It is so hard to transfer myself into slightly more than average active group (mentally). I always think I am not doing anything to need these carbs. So I figured if I am not losing weight either low or high carb way, what the heck, I will eat all the beets I want and be happy.

My Mom brought back some of the family archives. I am 1 year old. Nadia vs corn. The struggle was real. J said "lesson learned, don't stand between Nadia and her veggies". I did not get into debate that corn is a grain. Whatever.


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Hi Nadia - not near Atwater - closer to Jean Talon Market.  I'm on the east end of Montreal.


I hear you on the favourite fat thing.  Don't take away my mayo....... please don't take away my mayo.  I'm a little attached.


Awesome to hear about the sleep....keep it going Nadia.  It sounds that you are doing well.

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No breakkie. No good. Woke up and out the door.


8 am. Mixed cut up sausage (turkey and pork) and roasted veggies/bit of avocado. 1/3 of a cracker (tapioca flour thing) with coffee.


10 am. Here came the mental exercise. I was hungry. I waited until 10:30 and I was still hungry. I ate ½ protein bar as I could not make myself go and have a full meal.


12 am. Hunger was still there so I had a bunch of steamed veggies, 2/3 small sweet potato and a bacon wrapped chicken breast. Small peach. h.u.n.g.r.y.


1:20 pm. Well this is unusual and strange. I was still hungry. I walked and drank water. I gave up and just added a big veal patty to all I have eaten already. I feel like a grazing cow. I need to get outside and walk for one hour. Maybe peppermint tea? Kombucha? I think I am too dependant on that one. 


6 pm. Big salad with beets, carrots, walnuts and fennel. Veal patty crumbled on top. Feeling a bit too stuffed. 


7 pm. Strength and conditioning class (kettlebells again  :wub: ) Much better on the overhead squat. Kettle bell straight press. Coach told me to dig into the boys' pile = heavy ones. I said no way and he said I can totally do it. Boom. Obstacle course met con. Mamma mia major sweat puddle. 


1,5 banana after. I tried to see how vegetable based protein will work for me as I suspect whey is not my friend, also I was reading/listening Kris Kresser about types of proteins. Apparently weight loss goal + whey is not such a good idea. I know I need to find palatable real food option (desperately need turkey balls) but I want to keep some emergency post/pre wo pack available. So I tried sprouted rice protein. Laughed at the nutrient facts label saying that 16 g protein is 32% of daily norm based on 2000 cal intake. Hellooooo. No aversion but a) it tastes weird mixed with just water B) I got breakouts almost right away. I am not sure I want to keep experimenting with powders. I felt like I am committing a crime. 


Also - period has started (mid workout! fun). This explains hunger attack and bloat these days. This is fine (NOT) I am only half way through the BC pack.  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

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Sore tummy, so so sore and upset. Protein powder, go to hell. 


M1. Chicken hot dogs (found amazing organic brand that is not expensive) + beets/fennel salad. Cup of coffee. 


Egg custard tart (aka crack). Because today is a special day, but more so because I want to and because I can. Also because I know that I won't binge on the pile of cakes I brought for my co-workers. 


M2. Grilled octopus and a big salad. Yum. tiny peach. 


Salmon steak pre wo. Conditioning class with an extra burpee round as promised by Greg (gym owner). 1 small peach after or some sort of carbs. 


M3. Dinner out. Spanish bar with giant paella to share and some tapas. Followed by cake if I feel like. I feel no anxiety or stress about it at all. It is not derailing me. I will be just fine. If minor craving for some days after is all I get, I'll take it. I might also have a drink. 

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Upd. Salmon pre, peach post workout as planned. Great and tough workout. So many Turkish get ups. I freaking love them! My wrists are so bruised (where kettlebell touches the skin). I finished 2 on the metcon. Everyone was dying on the knee raises, ha, hanging off the silks made my shoulders and grip so strong. 


M4. Ceviche in lettuce cups and beef tartare. Seafood paella to share. Cup of sangria. Slice of cake (no illusions here, gluten sugar bomb with tons of frosting) with a glass of sparkling while getting presents. Great evening. 




7 am 2 hard boiled eggs (omgomgomg I think I can eat eggs). 18 km bike ride. 


9 am Beets, veal and 1/2 banana with a dollop of almond butter. Coffee. 


11:30. HUNGRYYYY. No food prepped ouch. 


Plan: run for a rotissierie (gees how do you spell that) chicken and a salad. Have l/o for dinner. Grocery shopping after work, cooking stuff and maybe a yoga class. First class since forever.  

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Thanks all! 


Yesterday I felt the urge to do grocery and prep all my food. It has been so long since I actually cooked food, I was more living off J's grill + turkey lettuce wraps. Post sugar coma + no food = set up for a disaster. I will lie if I say that pictures of food in Derval's log didn't give me the magic kick to get myself in the kitchen. My fridge is barely closing, but I haven't cooked everything I have in there. Now can someone do the cleaning after the chef, please? Also I ate a bunch of raw fennel and sweet potatoes. Who can resist gooey sweet stuff when you roast them forever? Superhumans I guess. 




Coffee + chicken hot dog. 


Workout. Ring chin ups. Oh how far I am from the unassisted one.  <_<  Whatever, I let my frustration out on the battle ropes station. Is it weird that I absolutely love them? I like big ropes and I cannot lie :D


Post + breakfast: egg :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  + slice of back bacon (I guess this is what Canadians call ham?) + 1/2 plantain + sweet potato apricot butter bite. I made these sweet potato/cherry bars from the Paleo Mom's guest post. That girl is fantastic, AIP meals that look great. I did not bother with making cherry filling and used the apricot butter. I also made them bite sized. Coffee. 


Lunch and Dinnet tbd. I have tons to choose from, but I kinda want grilled octopus from the market catch again. Umm  :ph34r:


M2. Octopus and a big salad. Not enough protein for sure. 2 peaches. Oh, the season. 


M3. Stuffed summer squash boats with a bit of pecorino. I was lazy, so I bought sausages that will fit in perfectly. I also pre made scallop squashes for stuffing too. I am on a cooking kick. 


Party tonight. 


P.S note to self and something to reflect on. I feel bad when I don't bike/work out. Sometimes it is borderline anxiety. I find it hard to keep my food on the lower side of the template on the rest days. Like I need to work to deserve food. I need to stop this asap.  

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What a coincidence, we got a new muscle up rig at the box, and I said I prob wouldn't be able to pull myself up (the first part of the muscle-up ifykwim) but coach did a jump & lift and I did it - felt awesome :) and a bit like a gymast getting the lift on to the rings :wub:

I feel totally blushingly thrilled that my pics pushed you in to the kitchen :)

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Wow those sweet potato cherry bars look amazing.  But (sigh) they will have to wait another 19 more days.....(Day 11 of a whole 30)


Yay for food prep!  I actually kind of love food prep - keeps me away from stress of not knowing on what to eat later.


I too loved the battle ropes.  Unassisted Pull up - yeah well - it will come eventually. 

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